1. Abstinence is the only way to make sure that you are 100% safe from contracting an STI. 2. Birth control DOES / DOES NOT protect a person from contracting STIs. 3. Bacterial STIs can be cured with antibiotics. 4. Viral STIs are not curable. 5. Name and explain at least three ways to protect yourself from contracting an STI Abstinence – Not having sex at all. Condom use – It can help pass STIs when being sexually active Monogamous relationships – Having only one partner at…


WEIGHT MAINTENANCE: 1. What happens to the body when your calorie intake is: a. LESS than your energy output? Weight loss b. MORE than your energy output? Weight gain c. SIMILAR to your energy output? Weigh maintenance 2. To gain ONE POUND you must consume an extra 3500 calories above your daily output. 3. Most daily fluctuations are due to: not drinking enough water or not nourishing your body properly. 4. Why is dieting alone an inadequate approach to fat control? Dieting inadequate approach to fat control because usually…


THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The heart, lungs and blood vessels all work together as a unit! 1. Cardio refers to the heart. Vascular refers to the system of blood vessels. 2. These vessels can be either Veins (bring de-oxygenated blood back to the heart) or Arteries (bring oxygenated blood from the heart to the muscles and organs). 3. Deoxygenated blood enters the heart in the right atrium. Next it is pumped into the right Ventricle. Blood then travels to the lungs to pick up oxygen before it returns to…

Heart rate moniter lab

{{unknown}}TARGET HEART RATE : 144 bpm – 175 bpm. RESTING HEART RATE: To determine your resting heart rate, lie on the ground for two minutes, after the two minutes, use the heart rate monitor to calculate and record your resting heart rate. My resting heart rate is: 53 MY HEART RATE DURING EXERCISE: Now complete 25 sit ups. Once finished, use the heart rate monitor to calculate and record your heart rate. My heart rate after 25 sit-ups is: 67 Now complete 1 minute of jumping jacks.…

Poco Opolis 500

Here is our video lab of the poco opolis 500 experiment to do with static electricity. To start off, our purpose. The point of this experiment is which materials when rubbed together ten times will create enough static charge to attach small pieces of paper to it. We have conducted three parts of this experiment; one with wool, one with silk and one with fur. We will commence with the wool. The independent variable is what the stick is made up of, the dependant variable…


ENERGY Do you have adequate energy (without excessive fatigue) for the following? • Work or school? YES • Recreational activities? YES • Meeting emergency or stressful situations? YES If you regularly participate in physical activity, have you noticed any benefits to your physical shape? (ex. fat loss, dimension loss, muscular definition, posture, etc.) If so, list the benefits. Yes, Almost every day of the week I participate in dance classes. Some of the benefits is muscle strengthening, flexibility, stamina and always staying in good shape.…

My SSEP Experience

This year in science, we have been given the opportunity to participate in the SSEP (Student Spaceflight Experiments Program) program. Since September in my science 9 class, we have been working on this project. Many classes throughout the district have been working on this project, all hoping to have their experiment flown into space. ( ) We got put into groups, and then brainstormed ideas of what type of experiment we could conduct, that would be a good idea to also conduct in a micro gravitational…