Secluded Lot Graphic Novel

  1. Exposition – “I’d like to inquire about a lot” the old man said, the effort of his decision evident in his voice (115)
  2. Rising Action – “I’d like a good view,” the old man explained. “but more important, privacy.” (116)
  3. Rising Action – Slowly old Mr. Blake counted out his money. Yes he had brought the entire sum in cash. (118)
  4. Rising Action – On the other side of the thicket he was surprised to find Mr. Blake stooping over a high, square, white box, intent on fixing something. (119)
  5. Climax – “I’m not soliciting business. The bees are just going about their normal and natural pursuits. Besides, Rose Haven Nectar brings a special price” (120)
  6. Falling Action – “Experienced beekeepers figure one to two hectares of heavy flowering plants for each colony of bees”, the old man went on. (120)
  7. Falling Action – “Mr. Jerome, I have done you a great service. Your flowers have never been so magnificent or plentiful.” (120)
  8. Denouement – “Mr. Jerome, I have reached an important decision: I should like to buy another lot”. (121)                                                                                                                                                                                                                       cool-cartoon-9260358                cool-cartoon-9260345

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