Grade 10
Desmos Self Portrait 2018
For this project we were to create a self portrait using equations and makings lines on a graph. I figured out what equations to use but using the knowledge i already know and also just playing around with it. It was challenging for me because…
Scientific Wonder Project
Surface area of a Sphere OE2018
Formula: 4piR^2 Summary: I first scooped out the inside contents of my half of the Orange so that I could just get the outer skin of the orange. Once I did that we ripped each half of the orange into tiny pieces so that we…
RAC Post
Through out the week I attempted many different random acts of kindness. Simple things such as holding the door for someone or smiling at them in the hallway goes a long way. One act that I felt stood out was when I helped a teacher…
DNA Model of 2018
DNA is a long molecule that gives information to an organism in order to survive, develope, and reproduce. It exists in almost all living things. DNA is made up of a sugar-phosphate backbone and molecules that are called bases. It is basically an instruction manual…
Rain Gear test
Building Understanding-House
Individual Novel Project: Why are humans defined and divided by their race?
Civil rights movement