About James

i lost all my happiness when entering this school lmao

CC12 Partie Individuel



L’histoire du russe est très intéressante. Avant ce cours je ne savais pas que l’histoire du russe était ce intéressant. J’aimais que Pierre le grand était un bon chef qui a changé la russe pour le meilleur et Ivan le terrible qui a tué son propre fils. Il y était plus de chef compétant que j’avais penser. J’était surtout ment attirer par l’histoire de l’union soviétique et comment c’est monter à pouvoir. La russe a beaucoup plus de culture riche que j’avais penser en avant et que leur histoire est très vieille avec plusieurs empire et royaume comme la Kyiv Russe. J’était aussi impressionner par le montent des souffrances et guerres que les Russes ont vécu comme les guerres napoléon et la première guerre mondiale.  

La philosophie russe est particulièrement intéressant pour moi cars je suis très intéressant dans la philosophie de le communisme et Marxisme. J’essaye de comprend le mentalité des communistes et comment il voir le monde et comment il pense que les problèmes pouvaient être fixer. Le communisme a tué des centaines de mille des personnes autour de la monde et détruite l’économie des douzaines des pays. Mais les personnes aujourd’hui encore le supporter a ce fait m’intérêts alors je voulais appris plus de la philosophie. Aussi le nihilisme est une philosophie russe qui m’intérêts beaucoup cars je pense que c’est un type de voir le monde qui est très rational et réaliste.  

Les sciences et technologies russes a m’intéresser beaucoup aussi cars je ne savais pas que la russe était un grand secteur de sciences dans les jours de l’empire russe. Il y était des grandes figures comme Lomonosov qui a trouve les éléments, trouver comment les glaciers a former, a fait des découvertes dans le géologies et l’astronomie. Les soviétiques ont aussi fait des choses importants dans le secteur de l’astronomie comme, il a mis le premier satellite dans l’espace, le premier homme dans l’espace et la première femme dans l’espace. Russe est un grand pouvoir dans la science et avant je penser que la russe était juste un pauvre état ou tout le monde est un stupide fermier et je suis content que mon assomption était incorrecte.  

La musique russe est incroyable. Particulièrement, la musique classique comme la musique de tchaikovsky et la pièce qui décrit la guerre napoléon et c’était chaotique et a la fin il y était des cannons et des cloches, aussi d’autres. L’art russe en général est très beau mais surtout ment le surréalisme est le plus intéressant pour moi. J’aime la pièce d’art qui ne sont pas logique et suivre le code d’être réaliste mais montre quelque chose dans les métaphores et une façon que nous ne pouvons pas interpréter dans un façons rational mais un façon in rational. Ce type d’art ira parfaitement avec ma personnalité.  

Les empires qui ont contrôlé les terres de russes n’est pas toujours horrible. Les chefs comme Ivan le terrible a fait les choses mauvais pour le russe mais il y était aussi les bonnes chefs comme Catherine II et pierre le grand. Et même durant les périodes des soviétique, il y était des chefs bons et mal. Avant je penser que le russe est juste un état autoritaire et que tous ces chefs son des hommes horribles. Mais c’est beaucoup plus complicité que cela. L’autorité n’est pas toujours mal et dans certain cas c’est un bon chose. Je pense que la russe a des problèmes d’avoir un chef ou des chefs qui regard pour le meilleur intérêt du peuple. Le gouvernement de russe, et maintenant Poutine, et un sujet délicat et complicité qui m’intérêts beaucoup et que j’aimais l’appris et encore veut appris plus. 

La parade nationale de les russe m’intérêts car les Russes ont un militaire très fort et pour presque tout de l’histoire était un jouer majeur dans les politiques du monde. Je ne pense pas que c’est juste de diffamer les Russes et qu’ils ont la droite d’être fier de leur pays, son accomplissent et leur militaire. J’aussi pense que les parades militaires son cool et j’aime toujours les regarder surtout ment la russe. Les Russes ont fait quelque chose incroyable dans la deuxième guerre mondiale et une célébration pour cela est mérité. 

L’histoire de comment le Russe a devenu chrétienne orient est très drôle. Quand la russe a envoyé les ambassadeurs au Constantinople et là-bas ils ont fêté et quand ils ont retourner ils ont dit à le roi quoi il a vu et ca c’est comment le pays a décidé d’adopter le catholique Orient. Je le trouve très drôle et unique dans l’histoire cars avant il n’y était pas une grande religion dans la russe mais ils ont décider de le fait ca. Les différences petites dans l’orient catholicisme est petit mais ce encore m’intérêts beaucoup. 



Debate Reflection

-The hardest part of this project was working alone. I had no one else to rely on and I had to do all the work, research, talking and responding to questions. I overcame the challenge to produce a mediocre debate but I exceeded in no categories but not because I was working alone but because I just generally suck at working.

-None of my perspectives were changed during my research or listening to others talk. I did find it amusing and rather intriguing when researching Quebec’s independence how irrational the subject was. Neither side was non-biased and utilized hard facts. for example, when I researched in French, no matter what I did search for I would only find pro-independence sources that were entirely based in Nationalism, and when I did the same questions in English I would find the complete opposite. At times both sides said the opposite things, like Pro-Quebec sources would say that it would help the economy and the English sources said the opposite. All in All I found it hard to argue when all the arguments were purely based in Nationalism and counter-arguments were for Anti-Nationalism. My perspective wasn’t changed, I would more say enlightened or expanded on with new information.

The Machine Stops Project

Long Live The Machine!

My propaganda poster that I created is promoting a pro machine stance that makes a scape goat of the rebels for all of it ails. I incorporated fear as a mechanism to lead the masses into submission by making anyone who is against the machine is it’s enemy. In the first sentence I used irony by saying that it is the rebels that are trying to revert humanity to a primitive state when they clearly are already incompetent and useless in their cells. I used many of the same techniques that forester used in the story like irony, satire, personification and euphemism. The second part I purposely used the word homes instead of cells because I wanted it to seem the central committee is trying to persuade the population that they are living comfortably and aren’t there any restraints on them as if they are free to make their own decisions. Lastly for the bottom part I wanted a slogan that would further express this world’s obsession and religious outlook towards the machine like it’s a god or a king, this is personification I used. My colour pallet I used was red and yellow the colours of communism because I wanted to portray the central committee as a tyrannical central dictatorship that was hyper atheist but still worshiped their leader/machine like a god. I also used the colours because they do well for popping out at showcasing power and strength. I also made a machine logo to brand the poster so just in case you don’t get the obvious hints it is made by the central committee since the humans in this dystopian world are quite incompetent and need to be herded like sheep. The propaganda poster is made to polarize the masses, seclude the anti-machines thinkers from the rest and promote and protect their regime. 

Synthesis composition of The Machine Stops and Wall-E 

The Machines Stops is a gruelling vision of what our future could look like. E.M Forster science fiction dystopian story is terrifying how close we are now to the future he thought of over a century ago. Today we can see so many parallels and similarities to Forster dystopian world. We humans have developed at an increasing faster and faster rate technologically and socially since the industrial revolution and during the technological revolution we seem to be on a trajectory that looks more and more grimmer the more we tread on. So much of what we do is automated, and we don’t think much of it because why would we want to move our bodies if we don’t have to. Roombas can clean for us, Siri can search anything across the bottomless pit of information we call the internet, we are always distracted by our phones and screens and always want them to be better and more compact. We as a species in the more advanced world don’t talk to anyone outside are immediate friend group or family and even then you ask almost any middle class or higher teen now a days in our country and they will tell you that they prefer to talk to their friends digitately rather than face to face just like what is shown in The Machine Stops, but after all why would we want to leave the comfort of our homes when we can just face time anyone? We used to go out shopping just less than 20 years ago and now we do the majority of it online. If we continue allowing the machines, we build to take our jobs and do everything for us then eventually we will run out of anything to do. Stuck in a loop of desire for comfort and perfection in life we will end up just like the humans in The Machine Stops and Wall-E. This quote in the story highlights what humanity has become quite well “Few travelled in these days, for, thanks to the advance of science, the earth was exactly alike all over. Rapid intercourse, from which the previous civilization had hoped so much, had ended by defeating itself. What was the good of going to Peking when it was just like Shrewsbury? Why return to Shrewsbury when it would all be like Peking? Men seldom moved their bodies; all unrest was concentrated in the soul.” In Wall-E written by Andrew Stanton the planet has been abandoned, in humanities increasingly desire for consumption and production we trash our planet beyond recovery and so we had to take to the stars. However, even when we made our home uninhabitable for life to sustain, we don’t change; we don’t improve upon ourselves, and we go even further down the hole and become adult babies entirely incompetent of doing anything on our own even the most basic of tasks. The humans in Wall-E are similar to the ones in the machine stops in his manner, an example of this is when someone drops a book, they aren’t even competent enough to pick it up, so they just wait there so someone to fix the problem, but no one ever does. The captain of the Axion sums up humans exitance for the past 700 years by saying “I don’t want to survive I want to live!” Humans in both stories are piles of flesh that solely exist for surviving and no one really experiences anything in life that brings them true happiness. In conclusion the machine Stops echos what our future could be if we stay on our current path, we must do everything in our power to overcome the societal boundaries that wish to enslave ourselves with machines like what Kuno said “Cannot you see, cannot all you lecturers see, that it is we that are dying, and that down here the only thing that really lives is the Machine? We created the Machine, to do our will, but we cannot make it do our will now. It has robbed us of the sense of space and of the sense of touch, it has blurred every human relation and narrowed down love to a carnal act, it has paralysed our bodies and our wills, and now it compels us to worship it. The Machine develops — but not on our lines. The Machine proceeds — but not to our goal. We only exist as the blood corpuscles that course through its arteries, and if it could work without us, it would let us die. “ 

The silver lining

During this pandemic I have continued my journey through finding out what a piece of garbage I am and how I negatively impact humanity. The silver lining is that I can finally except my fate and roll over and die for I contribute absolutely nothing in the progression of the human race and my time on earth is being spent wasting everyone’s time around me. This entire spring break I have done nothing but stay in bed or watch Netflix till 2 ami openly practice the unhealthiest lifestyle physically and mentally possible without reaching out for aid because that’s how much of a trash human I am. This has technically always been the case but when I can’t talk to friends or at least leave my domain for 6 hours a day then it truly shows how badly I don’t want to be alive and how useless I am to this race. Now one might say that this is bad for someone but I disagree strongly, what is unhealthy is fighting against it and who you are but I have accepted this fact and with that I can’t accept a lot of things and it gives me the ability to enjoy watching garbage shows. The truest silver lining is that I can do jack all and no one can tell, like how we don’t have to go to school but we have to be in a call with the teacher but no one can stop me from going in a separate call with friends. Hanging out with friends is one of the soul remainder things that give me joy and purpose and during this outbreak these cowards have used it as an excuse to be anti-social and for someone whose mental state is hanging on by thread I can’t really say that there is a silver lining to this spicy flu that has killed thousands of people and ruined millions of people’s spring break. To wrap up this rant about how much I hate myself I can’t proudly say that completing school is not on my priorities and that if the opportunity for me to drop out and join a cult comes up then it I might just think about it.