New Book Cover – “Street Pharm”

    In this paragraph, I will be talking about the book that I have for my lit circles and my book is “Street Pharm” and the author of my book is “Allison Van Diepen”. The topic of this book is Drug dealing/drug life and gang life. I think the original book cover does relate to the story in some ways but in […]

HCE 9 – English Write

For this assignment, I chose the “Birds on a Wire,” created by Banksy. When I look at this picture, I see birds sitting on a wire and some of the birds have signs and the signs say some harsh things and then there is one bird who is sitting further away and the bird that […]

Currents from the kitchen

Pre-lab  Purpose: Which fruit will produce the most electric voltage? hypothesis: Lemon will produce the most voltage. From pexals  Materials: 1 voltmeter, 2 wires, 1 nail, 1 copper strips, 3 fruit, or vegetables. Producer: Put the copper and the nail in the fruit, Then you connect the wires to the copper, and the nail, connect […]

Fictional Science Safety Story

Dangeuros Story- One day in my science class it was perfectly normal and then are science teacher said we were doing a lab and everyone in my class is so immature and they don’t listen so I was hoping I would not get paired up with the people that don’t listen, so you’ll never guess who […]

Reproduction Comparison Post

        What is the difference between mitosis and Meiosis   Well, the differences between mitosis and meiosis are mitosis makes body cells  for your skin cells and stomach cells and meiosis contributes to genetic variety of the cells. Meiosis makes sperm cells and egg cells unlike mitosis that makes cells for your body. […]

Modelling Mitosis

Interphase: well the interphase is the cell that brings out the normal functions and it the longest phase in the cell cycle and also This cycle doubles everything in the cytoplasm. Early prophase: This is the early prophase you can tell because the x shaped chromosomes come more visible and you start to see them […]