Photography Portfolio Final Project- Part 2

Create a Bio page to introduce yourself. Include your scrapbook photo on this page. The bio should be the first page in your Portfolio. You may wish to include Unit pages for the rest (or some other organization, get creative). You are to address these questions in detail:


  1. Who are you and why did you take this course?

I am Jaila Law and I like to be creative and have fun that is why I took this course, so I took this because I wanted to learn more about photography and how a camera works, as well as the steps it takes to take a picture and to get them better than I started because I wanted to be better at photography because I like to be creative. I also wanted to learn more about photography like the background of it and just to be more knowable about it, and how it works as well as what steps you have to take a good photo and to make sure everything is in place, good lighting, good speed, no blurriness, as well as how to use Photoshop and make your photos look better and how to put boarders on the photos which did take me a while to learn, but once I learned it was very easy to do and be able to remember all the steps.


  1. What did you learn in the course?

I learned how to take good quality pictures because at the beginning and still now sometimes I can say my photos do not turn out the way I want of course everybody has those days but they happen to me a lot which can be frustrating, so I learned to have the patience that is one thing editing is an annoying thing to me because there are so many tools and things to do, as well as remember all of it is a lot and it can get irritating because with one step or press of the wrong button something is too big or deletes and I would say that was my least favorite part. I also learned how to work with other people while taking pictures because sometimes when you are taking photos you need more help than what you think some people might need to hold something when the photo is being taken and it was not a single-person job sometimes, also meeting everyone in the class was fun everybody is so nice and is willing to help you if you need support which I like and it is overall a good and fun environment to work as well as be in as a student.


  1. How do you feel about photography? About your photography?

I feel like I am a good photographer and some of my pictures are creative and interesting to look at, so I feel like of course every photo does not look good it might come out blurry, with bad lighting, shadows, etc. but I would say I have gotten better and figured it out more along the course, as at the start I had no idea how to work a camera and even turn it on was a struggle for me, but I have cam a far way and learned so much more about it. Sometimes I feel like my photos are bad and aren’t good because I look at others or my friends who have taken pictures, and they are so good, and they get them on the first try which can be frustrating for me, but I overcome that by thinking hard about my skills and knowing I am trying my best and just doing what I know.  Overall, I would say I feel pretty good about photography meaning skills-wise and just how my photos have turned out through this course, they have been good of course I could improve on some of them but as the semester went on my marks got higher, so I was doing better and when the grade wasn’t as high, I knew I had to fix that portion in my next photos. I love photography whenever I see a beautiful sunset or a pretty picture, I want to capture it.


  1. What were some major challenges you overcame during this class?

Well, I would say taking good pictures to start with was a struggle as making sure they looked good and that they fit the standard of what they needed to as some of them, turned out blurry or not as bright as I thought so I had to make changes to the camera or see what I was doing wrong. I worked with people in the class who are gifted or have a talent for photography so that I could get help from them to see what I needed to improve on and so I learned things that I might not have known before asking them for help. I have also worked more with Photoshop and even though I find it frustrating I have learned more about all the tools in it and all the buttons you have to press for it to work and to get the right control you want, as well as how to layer things and put borders on your pictures.


  1. How will you use photography in the future?

Well, I will use this in the future when I am going on trips, so my photos will look better, and I will get better quality as I will get a camera that is good quality and intend to also use it when I go to special events as I have already at my brother’s engagement party which those photos turned out well and looked good, but I have already started using the camera for extra activities outside of school, as well as I have also taken photo’s for my school sports teams which are also fun, and when I get out of high school I might take up photography as a Hobbie and shoot sports team and maybe people’s special events like my brother which he was happy about and glad he got photos to remember that night.



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