week 10- Vocabulary

For week 10 in math 10, we learned about a different amount of vocabulary to help us understand how to do equations, or what some of the words mean because they have the same meaning but have different words. Some of the vocabulary is from when we first learned about this unit, but I’m going to go through all the vocabulary we have gone thru so far.

Quadrant- the four squares on the grid of the graph.

Input- the horizontal lines on the graph.

output- the vertical line on the graph.

Independent- this is the value of the input, this is usually given first,  on the graph the independent variable is on the horizontal axes. (X, input, domain)

dependent-  This is the value of the output, the dependent variable is on the y- axis and is on the vertical axis.  ( Y, output, range)

ordered points- this is used to locate the points on the graph.

Domain- the input values make up the domain of the relation.

Range- the output values make up the range.

Continuous- Variables that are measured. these are things that are connected like lines as well as keep going. (ex: distance, time)

Discrete- Variables that are connected. these are things that are dots and don’t continue forever. (ex: cars, people)




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