Asexual Reproduction Superheroes

Well, my superhero is fragment man, and his power is that when something of his gets cut off then it grows back exactly identical to the last one so you wouldn’t even know anything happened. My superhero has a lot of strengths and good things about him but he also has some weakness and some bad things that I couldn’t work out or that wouldn’t have worked for it.


Pros: I think a pro is that when my superhero’s arm is cut off that arm creates a new person and then, over time there are so many of him. Well a pro is that when the arm gets cut off or anything then he gets a new arm and it the exact same as the old arm so there is nothing different about the arm and it has the same strength and abilities in it as before.


Cons: Well, I think a con would be that the arm takes time to grow back and the person takes to grow off of the arm and it just takes a lot of time to grow in general.  Well, another con is that when my superhero’s arm is cut off and it makes another person that person is the same as my superhero, so it looks the same, has the same personality and it looks genetically identical.

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One thought on “Asexual Reproduction Superheroes

  1. Great asexual reproduction superhero: Fragment Man. What a great picture that demonstrates fragmentation in a superhero. I love the red suit! Great work including pros and cons of this type of asexual reproduction. One thought is to talk about the limitations of your model, like: my picture didn’t demonstrate the stages of meiosis that an organism using fragmentation might go through. All in all, great work!

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