Mutation Story – Progeria

Mutation Story

I started as a negative gene mutation in the cell of a little girl named Hayley Okines.  I affect Lamin A, a protein that is used to make the nucleus of a cell stable.  Scientists think that I cause the nucleus to be very unstable and very deformed.  Little Hayley’s doctor noticed her ageing skin, hair loss and joint stiffness, and she was diagnosed with Progeria.  I tend to affect patient’s hearts, making them have heart problems, and killing them most often with strokes and heart related diseases.  Usually people who have Progeria pass away between the ages of 8 and 21, but the average is 13.  Hayley, and many others with Progeria have to go to the doctor’s all the time for check-ups and heart-checks.  Hayley’s parent’s never know whether they’re going to wake up and not have their little girl anymore.  Unfortunately, last year Haley Okines was home from being treated at the hospital for pneumonia, she passed away at seventeen with her family close by.  2015-04-04_new_8349725_I1


For my research, I typed in key words like “progeria” and “fast ageing”, which got me to a whole bunch of medical sites that listed accurate information.  I needed to research how Progeria affects the body, as well as how it starts as a mutation.  Another way I researched information was watching a documentary.  I watched the full documentary about Hayley Okines, and I learned a ton of information about Progeria.  First, I watched some of the documentary to get a taste of the life of someone with progeria, but I didn’t understand some of the vocabulary, so I looked it up.  By the end of this assignment, I know a lot more about Progeria than I did before.  I think this assignment was fairly easy, since I had already heard about Progeria from my mom.  I think I could have possibly  done better research, and gone into further detail.


BC Power Story

How is energy produced in BC?
There are 30 hydroelectric dams is BC, which provide 86% of BC’s power. Hydroelectric dams can be many different types of river-based dams, such as, storage, run-of-river and pumped hydro. They were originally built in the 30s-40s. Hydroelectric dams rely on the kinetic energy of falling water to omit electricity. The amount of electricity that can be produced depends on the height change in the hydroelectric dam. These hydroelectric dams have huge drop-offs that help rise the amount of kinetic energy. The dams hold water that is used to store energy in the form of potential energy. The water is released into a pipe, then it makes contact with a turbine, making the turbine spin. As it spins, it powers a generator. A shaft connects the turbine to the generator which holds magnets that spin, and rush past a number of coils made our of copper. This creates alternating current.

Hydroelectric dam
Hydroelectric dam


How does the transmission system bring electricity to my home?
The first step to powering a home involves substations. These substations distribute volts to power transformers throughout your area. The voltage that is distributed to the power transformers is way too high (it is about 46,000 volts or 115,000 volts). So, the transformers basically tone the volts down. The volts are then moved to distribution transformers, where they are toned down to a more acceptable amount for your house. By now, the distribution transformer sends the volts for kilometers, until it reaches your house. The, the volts are stepped down to 120/240 volts). After the distribution transformer does its job, the volts are transferred to a service wire that’s attached to your home, either underground or above ground, which and is attached to a meter box. The home breaker is attached to the meter box with a wire, and by now, your switches are activated, and your lights will turn on with the flick of a switch.

A distribution transformer
A distribution transformer

Websites I used:

How Power is Delivered to Your Home

Something I’m Interested In…

I’m interested in dance because it’s artistic and good for your health.  I like contemporary dance because it lets you move freely and the music is modern and easy to dance to.  Dance is related to science, because you use your heart, lungs, organs and muscles and you learn about your body as you dance.  It’s a great way to be fit, especially if you don’t like the gym.  Studies show that dancing helps you have better health, and it even lifts your mood.  I find dance very interesting because it’s different than other sports.  Other sports improve your physical health, but not so much your emotional health, like dance does.  I find it super interesting how art and the body can work together to create something so beautiful such as dance.

Science Project Before and After

Before Vs. After!

This is what my project looked like before:



This is any additional information I missed:


1. How much Neon is in the atmosphere?

Answer: only 0.0018% percent of the atmosphere is neon.

2. Is neon toxic?

Answer: Neon isn’t known to be a toxic element. It’s known to be a harmless gas, that can be mixed with anything to make a chemical change.

3. Where is neon located on the periodic table?

Answer: The element neon is on the top far right of the periodic table of elements, in the noble gases. Neon is a non-reactive metal, making it a very anti-social element. Neon is at its full combining capacity.

4. Is there any Neon in our bodies?

Answer: There is only a small amount of neon in our blood.

5. Did Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers discover any other elements on the periodic table?

Answer: Yes. They discovered krypton, which led to the discovery of Neon.

Neon is in the top right column of the periodic table in the noble gases. It’s there because it is a noble gas, and its outer shells are at their full capacity.

Research Log:
Topic: Neon
Technology Involved: Laptop, Internet.

1. Wikipedia
Neon. In Wikipedia. Retrieved October 29, 2015 from

October 29, 2015

Yes, because it had good, reliable information and it gave examples and more info than you asked for.
I personally don’t think the website was biased. The writer never gave their opinion or lured you into thinking what they thought.
I think it’s interesting that it lists such reliable information and goes into great detail and it really gets to the point. Wikipedia is usually known for missing info, so that made me happy.
It gave an astonishing thirty sources and six external links, which is impressive to me.

2. It’s Elemental
Office of Education T. (2015, October 29). It’s Elemental- The Element Neon. Retrieved October 29, 2015. Date of Publication Unknown.

October 29, 2015

It’s a very good source, and has reliable information. It gave me a bad impression though. Although it was relevant to Neon and it was well written with good information, it didn’t have a date of publication or an author. So, I looked through the page, and found a page that told me how to site it.
It’s possible that some of the information is incorrect, because it didn’t list any sources. Also, it didn’t have as much information as Wikipedia did, but it had an adequate amount of information.
This website is exactly like that friend that seems so quiet, but once you get to know them, they’re a really good person. At first, it kind of looked sketchy, because it had no author or date of publication, but it ended up being a reliable source, and it told me how to site it.

3. Facts About Neon.
Live Science Staff. (2014, October 17). Facts About Neon. Retrieved October 29th, 2015).

October 29th 2015

Although you can get all of the information on other websites that have more information.
The website wasn’t very biased, but it didn’t really give any bad things about neon. It simply told you some facts and some uses.
It was a very professional website, listing the date it was written, and author. It listed numerous sources, and not only gave you facts, but a little history and other information.

4. Lenntec

Lenntech. (2015, November 2nd). Neon. Retrieved November 2nd

November 2nd 2015

It was relevant to the subject, and seemed very reliable. Although it was relevant and reliable, I wouldn’t rely on it for an entire project just by itself.
It was not biased at all. It always had facts that did not lure you into thinking a certain way. I think the information is correct because all of the other websites agreed with the facts.
It didn’t really give a ton of information like Wikipedia did, but it gave more details than you asked for. It was a good professional website, and it even had information about all of the other elements.

All of the sources had basically the same information, numbers and facts. None of them really disagreed with the other websites, like they all said that 0.0018% of the atmosphere is neon, and that its atomic number is 10.


By: Jadyn Flint

Science App Review (Molecules)

The app I reviewed is called Molecules, and it’s free on the iOS app store.  I found this app thorough and informative, and I will definitely use it again.  In this app, you can discover and explore molecules.  You can move them around manually, or at the touch of a button, you can make it spin slowly, to get the full effect.  There are a few minor improvements that can be made, though.  It’s only available for iOS devices, such as iPods, iPads and iPhones, but it’s not available on Android, MacBooks, or Windows devices.  It’s easy to tell that the app was not designed for newer version Apple devices, because it doesn’t properly fit the screen.

The black borders show that the app does not fit properly into the screen.
The black border shows that the app does not fit properly into the screen.

But on the brighter side, it’s very informative, easy and fun to use.  I would suggest this app to people who are struggling with science, and even people who are doing well, just to boost up their mark, or do further research on molecules.  Also, you can see information about the molecule, such as the number of atoms.


A three dimensional structure of Acetylcholinesterase.
A three dimensional structure of Acetylcholinesterase.


3D Structure of Caffeine
3D Structure of Caffeine
3D Structure of DNA
3D Structure of DNA
Menu Structure
Menu Structure

In conclusion, this app is very interesting and educational.  Although it needs some minor improvements, it’s still easy and fun to use.  I would strongly suggest that you download it, because I very much enjoyed using it.