October 11

Ethic of Care and Environment Ethic

    1. How do you personally define an ethic of care?
    • Ethics of care can have many meanings but personally I believe that ethic of care is defined as something that holds moral action, relationship and care.
    1. What would be needed to create an ethic of care?
    • I believe that something would need to be formed to affect the environment. For example deforestation. People cut down trees for lots of reasons. This is because people need to build stores, houses, and other buildings. This causes animals to lose their homes, which then leads to extinction.


    1. What would we have to believe about the environment to care for it? How should we see it?
    • Just by using reusable bags, saving electricity, carpooling, biking, etc. These simple task helps make our environment a much cleaner place.


    1. How would we act if we cared about the environment? – give scenarios
    • In today’s society, people don’t seem to care about the environment until they see things around them changing. For example climate change. As we see today, climate change is slowly but surely will soon start to affect people’s day to day lives. Unless everyone contributes to cleaning the environment. Today we use social media to help raise awareness to scenarios such as climate change and in addition protesting.


    1. What would be different about the world if everyone adopted this ethic of care towards the environment? Benefits and drawbacks?
    • If we prevented less pollution, the amount of plastic in our ocean, climate change, and even cutting down trees, our planet.  This is benefits the environment because we would not be creating as much waste as we do now. However, this is a drawback because it would make human’s lives much harder than they are right now.
    1.   Should we adopt an ethic of care towards the environment?
    • Yes, I believe that we should adopt an ethic towards the environment because humans play a huge role in this. Humans are a part of society as well as other living creatures, which includes plants and animals. Personally keeping an ethic of care towards the environment would improve our planet in our day to day lives.


December 19

Blackout Poem- “The Stranger”

Jacob Khuong

Block A

12 December 2018

Mr. Barazzoul

   Poem Analysis “The Strange”

The poem “The Stranger” written by Gord Downie tells the story of a boy who has escaped an Indian Residential School and he shares his thoughts while he begins his journey back home. It was thought that residential schools would be the best way to learn and adapt to Christianity in their generation. The poem’s main statement is that indigenous people felt alone, unimportant and didn’t feel like they belonged in society. “The Stranger” includes poetic devices such as repetition. The speaker is repeatedly saying “I’m am a stranger” (1), as he is addressing that he doesn’t know his identity. Furthermore, the poem shows imagery such as “I navigate the mud/ I walk a-bove the path” (5-6). The quote represents visual effect as the speaker uses words to describes the picture to the reader’s mind. This also shows how he has lots of obstacles in his current lifestyle. In addition, the poem portrays a end rhyme such as “What is in my head/ What is in my chest” (15-16), also the quote shows that the boy doesn’t know where he belong. In conclusion “The Stranger” shares a strong story that was based on true events within the Canadians history.