how do cells multiply

sexual reproduction: sexual reproduction is the making of a offspring by fusion of a male sperm and a female egg. During sexual reproduction, the genetic material of two organisms is joined to produce offspring that are from both  parents. The fact that most Eukaryotas reproduce sexually is evidence of its success.

pros: sexual reproduction involves a mother and a father which makes the offspring unique with the mothers genes and the fathers genes.

Image result for asexual vs sexual reproduction

asexual reproduction: creation of offspring without fusion of a male sperm and female egg and and the offspring is a clone of the original organism. Asexual reproduction produces individuals that are genetically identical to the parent .Roots such as corms, stem tubers, rhizomes, use  vegetative reproduction.Some plants can produce seeds without fertilizing.


mitosis gives 2 nuclei and meiosis gives 4. mitosis gives identical cells to each other while meiosis and meiosis is more genetic variation. mitosis gives nuclei the same number of chromosomes and meiosis gives cells with half the number. Mitosis includes one division , while meiosis includes two.



first is interphase  where the dna is duplicated and spindle fibres form. now its prophase, prophase is where chromatids pair up and spindle fibres form. there is no number because mitosis only has one phase instead of 2 like meiosis.Now in Metaphase the chromasomes line up in the middle of the cell while the spindle fibers attach to the sister chromatids. In Anaphase the sister chromatids are pulled to the opposite poles of the cell. in the telophase the cell forms 2 new nuclear membranes and pinches the centre of the cell creating an identical new cell.

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