Journalism in Verse


She was 19

1 when she learned to walk

2 when she could talk

3 when she made her first friend

4 when she would play pretend

5 when she began school

Expanding her brain with an endless array of knowledge

Beginning a life in which she had much to learn from

10 when she found a passion for art

11 when she crushed on a boy, sensing a feeling so strong in her heart

12 when her body began to change

13 when boys stop looking at her the same

She wished all would have remained.

17 when she had her first kiss

18 when she graduated

19 when she visited the post office

19 when she was taken and raped

19 when she fought back

Her name was Uyinene

And she was 19 when she was killed.

The article:

Neuron Function – Psych 12

Sensory Neuron –

The sensory neuron is nerve cells within the nervous system responsible for converting external stimuli from the organism’s environment into internal electrical impulses.


The interneuron transmits impulses between other neurons.


This neuron carries signals from other parts of the body into the nervous system.

Neuron Structure – The structures of the Neuron cause the brain to properly function the way in which it does, each part with its own purpose.

How does an action potential move along the neuron fibre?
As an action potential travels down an axon there is a change in polarity across the membrane of the axon. The impulse travels down the axon in one direction only, to the axon terminal where it signals other neurons.
Neurons communicate in sending signals in what to do next.
Above is the structure of the Synapse
The junction between the axis and the dendrites where that cause neurons to an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron.  A neurotransmitter is released there.  A chemical that allows one neuron to talk to the next neuron and continue sending the impulse.
  • Information from one neuron flows to another neuron across a synapse. The synapse contains a small gap separating neurons