As I think and reflect on the food waste in my family, I really cannot find much waste that we produce. My mother is very organized with the food that we buy and eat, and we rarely ever throw out food unless it is for an alternative motive (mold, smells bad, etc.). We regularly compost peels, chicken bones, coffee beans and more in the compost bin that we keep next to the sink. There are 5 people that live in my house, and we snack a lot, so whatever my mother had made for dinner we usually snack on it later in the day, or we will take it for lunch or eat it for leftovers. I feel like it is definitely a money thing in my house because my mother hates wasting her money, so if something is close to its expiration date, she makes us eat it first out of anything. For things like bread or baked goods, she will freeze it, and then bake it in the oven to heat it up and basically revive it. There is on occasion, but very rarely, that something will go bad, such as fruits or juices and we, unfortunately, must throw away. One thing I can think of that my family does waste a lot is plastic water bottles. Nobody in my family uses a reusable bottle or cup for water, we always take water bottles because they are easy to carry and dispose of, but in saying that, there have been times that I have not been able to find a recycling bin or a proper place to put the water bottle and I throw it in the garbage. Plus, not all of the water bottles that go into recycling bins are actually recycled, there are some amounts that do just go into landfills or dumps, etc. Obviously, we can improve on keeping notice on when items expire such as juices or milk and we can take better notice on when our fruits and vegetables are going bad. We could try to use more of the fruit and vegetables, such as zesting lemons, limes, and oranges or maybe using the chicken bones or beef bones that we just throw into the compost for some sort of stock, and to just get the most value out of the items that we throw away. As for the water bottle situation, it is very easy to change over to a reusable water bottle and stop taking and buying the huge water bottles from Costco. I have been planning on talking to my mother about this, but I’m a lazy guy and just have not gotten around to making the switch to a reusable water bottle.