Blog post part 4

AP calculus 12 book
Mass of the book: I. 7 kg
Initial velocity =om/s
Final velocity=
a= 0.14m/s^2
d= -0.823m
t= 9.20s
d= Vit+0.5at^2
d= 0.5at^2
A= 0.14m/m2

Vf= √vie +2ad
= (0+2 (0.14)(8.823)

Novel book.
mass of the book= 1.6 kg.
Initial velocity = om/s
Final velocity=
a =1.6m/s2

d= vit+0.5at2
Vf= √via+2ad
=10+2(1-6) (0873)=-1.62 m/s

file  Physics 11

Blog Post Part 3

IMG_0600 IMG_0601
a) Choose two books of the same weight and different sizes. Connect each book with an object (355 ml pop) with a string of wool. Hold the weight and release, Then record the speed of falling weights and books to the floor.
b) To see if the type of string affects Ff, change the wool string to a tape string and proceed.
Raw Data:
Height of the table: 0.820m Time:
With Wool String
AP Calculus text book (The one with bigger surface area) 9.20 s Novel book (The one with smaller surface area) 0.800 s
With Tape String
AP Calculus text book (The one with bigger surface area) 11.0 s Novel book (The one with smaller surface area) 1.30s
Challenges and probelms.
It is very difficult to find the book has exactly same weight with different size.
The mass of AP calculus text book is 1.7kg and the mass of Novel book is 1.6kg
Different mass would bring different results, however the differences of mass is very small.
Reflection of Data
All the data did not deviate from expectations. An object with larger surface area takes more time to falling. But the type of string doesn’t affect it, so it has to be tried multiple times.

Forces Project Blog Post 1

1. Investigate if surface area is effective on its friction


2. Investigate if type of string is effective on its friction



Attach m3 (hanging mass) on a dolly and connect to

the m1(base object) and m2(object over the base)

• Measurement

Determine Ff by changing the size of m1 object

(multiple sizes) to investigate if surface area is

effective on its friction force.

Friction force can be measured by determine what

the mass m3 is. This is because Ff from m1 and m2

should be equal to the Force of gravity from m3.

• Title

Effectiveness of surface area on Friction force

British Govern Quebec

As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of ___deportation_______ to ensure the colony is properly run.􏰎


1. If i move the people away the culture will also dissolve.

2. If i move the people away there will be new space for new settlers

3. It is easy to govern new settlers

As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of ___deportation____ to ensure the colony is properly run.􏰎

Community Connection Alternate


paragraph 1

1. What is the volunteer opportunity that you are researching in your community?

Answer. the volunteer opportunity is food bank.

2. How could this volunteer opportunity benefit your future?

Answer: It can helps me to understand how to work hard and how a company operates.

3. why are you passionate about getting involved within this field?

Answer:i just like to help people.

paragraph 2

1. what is the employment opportunity that you are researching in your community?

Answer: i want to be in business

2. How could this employment opportunity benefit your future?

Answer:Learn skill.

3. What kind of qualifications would this opportunity require you to have?

Answer: don’t need qualification.

4. What current skills and qualifications do you bring to the job?

5. What steps do you need to take in order to be suitable for this position?

Answer:just volunteer

Power Solution Fluency

1. Fossil fuels are fuels that are made from old lives decomposed very long. Major fossil fuels are coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

2. Today the world is energized mostly by fossil fuels. However, serious environmental problems for example air pollutions are cause due to the over-consumption of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide which are critical to our environment.

3. Some of the solutions to the problems of fossil fuels are:

Limiting the use of air conditioning.

Practice Conservation at Home.

Plant a tree

4. My own solution to the fossil fuel problem is electric cars. During my research on fossil fuels, I have found that one of the major uses of fossil fuels are automobiles specially cars. Therefore, I believe if cars can run of a different power source, it will greatly reduce the use of fossil fuel. The reduction of fossil fuel will benefit us since our environment will be cleaner. However, we need to consider the amount of charging stations for more convenient use of the electric cars.

5. It was not that hard to find the information, i searched during information i knew about the information


Trick or Treat Questions

Trick or Treat?


Pre reading vocabulary.  Translate new words.


overcome                    극복하다                               

barrier                            장벽               

realize                           깨닫다

incident                       사건                           

ignore                          무시하다                               

accompanied              동반된                                   

scream                        소리치다                               

cover                           덮다                           

relieved                       안도하는                               

embarrassed               당황한           



  1. True or False









  1. Answer these questions. ( Write in complete sentence)

1.Because he didn’t know about Halloween.

2.Tony’ parents turned off the light because they ignore children  coming to the house for treats. get a drink of water.

4.There, standing at my front door, were four or five ghosts accompanied by a witch

  1. He was relieved after realizing the truth but he also felt embarrassed about being afraid.


  1. Give your opinion ( Write a full sentence)

1.bully him

  1. Because his parents doesn’t want tony to know about Halloween

3.Because Tony doesn’t want to scare of ghost

4.i think his father try to explain about Halloween

  1. no, because Tony’s father doesn’t have to tell about Halloween