5 Flours

1.Rye Flour is made from the rye grain which gets refined into a flour. Rye flour has a rich flavour and is generallly used for different breads. Rye flour can also be mixed with wheat flour to create different styles of loaf

2.Rice Flour is a form of flour made from finely milled rice. Rice flour is often used as a substitute for wheat flour as some people believe that wheat flour irritates their digestive system. Rice flour can be used for noodles, tempura batter, and sponge cakes

3.Almond Flour is made from finely ground almonds and can be easily made with a food processor. Almond flour is a good choice for anyone with a gluten intolerance. Almond flour can be mixed with other flours that contain gluten and us usually used for cookies and tarts. 

4.00 Flour is made from wheat ground to extreme fineness. This flour is generally used in pasta and very thin crusts. The fineness of the flour makes it very easy to roll to the thinness necessary to make pasta.

5.Bread Flour is made from hard wheat and contains a large amount of gluten and a high protein content. When bread flour is worked the gluten is developed which makes a chewier consistency that is desired in bread. Bread flour is best used for breads, pretzels, and bagels. Anything that requires lots of structure. 

















