
Concept of History: I think history means what historical figures did are, and what happened in the past, any important negative and positive things happen. I think the history is not has a real means, just the people record, judge, and comment, is not the real definition. It is also means the special things, like legend  culture heritages, the impact for human, for society, and for ideologies, so the history is a kind of summary for what happened in the past, and memory anything.

Minority Groups before 1914: Minority were suppressed, and about the Asia, like Chinese were suppressed by other country people, Indian cannot enter Canada, and Chinese also need to paid head-tax if you wanted to immigrated to Canada, Canada wanted to prevent Asian move to Canada.

Women’s History Equality: About the women equality, women had not the equal rights with men in the past, because men always suppress women in the past, and they think women cannot involved vote, parliament, and any important things about political, so women’ right cannot get relevant protect.      But women did not give up, they through vote and parliament to strive for their relevant rights, and they through their effort, finally to succeeded their equality.

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