January 8

Edible DNA model

In science, my partner and I made an edible DNA model out of marshmallows and licorice. This represents the double helix DNA strand that is found in the nucleus of cells. DNA contains the instructions to make proteins. DNA is made of sugar and phosphate and the steps of the “ladder” are made of 4 chemical bases, Adenine  (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C). 20160108_092435

January 7

Surface area vs. Volume

What is the difference between surface area and volume? Surface area is a sum of the area of the sides. It is a mesurement of the surface on an object. Volume is the space an object takes up or the amount of matter in an object. To measure area you use the formula Atot=2Aa + 2Ab + 2Ac. For each side you use the formula bh. For volume you use the formula bh× l. 20160106_13214520160106_13191520160106_13164420160106_13145320160106_131023

December 10

Tanya Harrison- space discussion

2015-12-09 09.29.49Hello, today we had a skype chat with Tanya Harrison, a scientist who worked on the mars rover curiosity.

Here is a picture of what happened :


A Summary

We talked to space scientist Tanya Harrison. She has worked for Nasa on the Mars rover curiosity. She is currently at the University of western  Ontario. During the Skype chat, our class asked her questions about her work on the rovers and about mars in general. I think this a great opportunity to learn about space up close and personal from someone who actually knows what they are talking about. It was very interesting.

The questions we asked were:

1. If Mars fails in preserving life what other planets could sustain life, if there are any?

2. What made you you become interested in this field of work?

What I learnt from the chat:

I learnt the answers to the question so we had and the answers to some other questions other people had.

She answered my question, If Mars fails in preserving life what other planets could sustain life, if there are any? She said ” If we are talking about life as we know it, mars is really the only option in the solar system with the exception of Saturn’s moon titan. Titan is really similar to how early earth was, with a really thick atmosphere and lakes full of hydrocarbon which is really great for microbial life. So if wanted to find life, we might find it there. ”

She also answered Alyson’s question about how she became interested in that particular field of work. She said ” When I was younger I used to watch a lot of star trek and that really got me interested in space and mars especially. When the sojourner landed Nasa released a great animation of it landing on Mars and then I knew I wanted to study mars.”

Another question I found interesting was aquestion about how much a rover cost to build. The curiosity rover cost 2.1 billion dollars to build, spirit and opportunity cost about 700 million.

November 30

Les archives de détectives

Bonjour et bienvenue au podcast “Les archives de détectives”. Ceci est un émission à-propos des détectives oublies ou pas aussi bien connu de fiction. Chaque épisode estate au subject d’un autre detective de fiction classic pas aussi bien connu que Sherlock Holmes, Poirot ou Miss Marple. Si tu a des questions ou commentaires si-vous-plait laissez-faire un commentaire en dessous. Il vas avoir quatre épisodes un le 4 Decembre, le 18 Decembre, le 15 Janvier et le 22 Janvier! Merci beacoup! 

Episode 1: Si dessous est le premier épisode des archives de détectives. Cette épisode est à-propos du détectives Max Carrados. Merci pour avoir écouté! Et voila un lein au siteweb du BBC Radio 4 comme j’ai promis! http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio

Episode 2: Bonjour tous le monde, notre prochain episode de les archives de detectives sera apropos de Lord Peter Wimsey. Cette episode sera publié  avant le 18 de Decembre. Comme j’ai promis, voila un photo du blazon du famille Wimsey.



Episode 3: Bonjour tous le monde, notre prochain episode de les archives de detectives sera apropos de August Dupin. Cette episode sera publié  avant le 15 Janvier.


Episode 4:Bonjour tous le monde, notre prochain episode des archives des détectives sera apropos de 5 Inspecteurs de police.


November 13

Currents from the kitchen

20151113_09282220151113_09170520151113_091953In our experiment we used a lemon, an orange and a potato to try and power an led light bulb.

1. A complete circuit will produce electron flow.

2. To find out if electrons are flowing, you could use a volt meter.

3. It doesn’t glow because the light blub had too high a voltage and the fruits and vegetables didn’t have enough voltage.

4. Use bigger vegetables with higher voltage or light blubs with lower voltage.

5. The zinc and the copper  or transition metals and the crocodile clips cause the electrons to flow.

6. If you were in a situation where you didn’t have enough electricity to power a lightbulb you could use this method.

7. No because, there isn’t a potato big enough to power a 60watt ligh bulb, let alone a town or a city.20151113_09335120151113_09295320151113_092155

November 2

Electricity Mind map!

Here is my electricity mind map!

My questions are:
1. What are the different types of circuits?
2. Are there different types of electricity? If so what are they?
3. What are the main uses for electricity?
4. How much electricity does the average person use per day?
5. What is the difference between volts and watts?
6. How did we discover electricity?
(Please click on picture to view screenshot!) Screenshot_2015-11-02-10-07-51