Currents from the kitchen
In our experiment we used a lemon, an orange and a potato to try and power an led light bulb.
1. A complete circuit will produce electron flow.
2. To find out if electrons are flowing, you could use a volt meter.
3. It doesn’t glow because the light blub had too high a voltage and the fruits and vegetables didn’t have enough voltage.
4. Use bigger vegetables with higher voltage or light blubs with lower voltage.
5. The zinc and the copper or transition metals and the crocodile clips cause the electrons to flow.
6. If you were in a situation where you didn’t have enough electricity to power a lightbulb you could use this method.
7. No because, there isn’t a potato big enough to power a 60watt ligh bulb, let alone a town or a city.
Thanks for all your pictures here detailing your experiment. I can see through the pictures and answers what you did with your experiment but it might be helpful to include the questions for readers who aren’t necessarily in our class.