Hailey's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Category: Grade 10 (Page 2 of 2)

My Career Path

In planning class we have been looking and constructing our goals, future, schools and career paths.

This project is all about my plan to become an Art Director.


Pretty Pink Dissappering Ink- Science is Magic

Science is magic project by Karolina, Patryk and Hailey.

Lab Report for Pretty Pink Disappearing Ink 

Research: The three of us researched cool Science experiments that we could record and perform from YouTube and the Internet. We found a few cool experiments involving fire and burning but ultimately Karolina found an experiment where we could use acids and bases to reveal indicators on a cloth surface (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aY7G8Z0A0s) Original idea was to mimic a toy that was produced “Barbie Hollywood Hair” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7szyfaxgEQ)  that had hairspray that would turn the hair pink. This provoked interest in doing this experiment.   Yet in the end we found it more suiting to use two generally older kids interested in playing with a science kit that they didn’t know how to use to it could be explained by a narrator. It’s meant to be watched as a science video, to teach the viewers a little about bases, acids and indicators. Meant to evoke interest in these subjects.

Procedure: Hailey and Patryk are alone while their parents are out of the house. The two are bored and so they decide to use their experiment kit that received from their Uncle and test it out on a white shirt. The chemicals inside of the kit are Phenolphthalein (and indicator that is colourless at first but turns pink with a Base that has a pH of over 8.2), Sodium Hydroxide (Solution with a pH of 13) and 70% Ethyl Rubbing Alcohol (Solution with a pH of 5.5). The Phenolphthalein is first added into the white shirt just by adding a few drops of it. Next sodium hydroxide was added, over the same area and because it has a high enough pH level, it turns the phenolphthalein pink. Following that, we convert the Phenolphthalein back to colourless by adding the alcohol (weak acid) and when the shirt dries the carbon dioxide reacts with sodium hydroxide and neutralizes it. You see sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide reacts to produce sodium carbonate and water (neutralization). Once the sodium hydroxide is neutralized, the weak acidity of the alcohol is enough to change the indicator to colourless. Leaving the shirt white again.

Chemical Reaction: Sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide reacts to produce sodium carbonate and water (neutralization). The acidity of the alcohol takes over the neutralized sodium carbonate and water and changes the indicator pink. (This reaction is also explained in the “Procedure”)


  • Safety Goggles
  • A few drops of Phenolphthalein
  • 70% Ethyl rubbing alcohol
  • 3M Sodium Hydroxide
  • White Shirt


The experiment worked. The Phenolphthalein turned pink when in contact with the Sodium Hydroxide and was really nice and bright. The Phenolphthalein did turn colourless again after adding the 70% rubbing alcohol and waiting for it to dry. No one got injured or was in any harm from this experiment and it all worked out well.

Conclusion: This project was considered magic because the viewers are meant to be introduced to the subjects of bases, acids and indicators. So therefore there would be close to no understanding of why a shirt all of a sudden would have a pink spot and furthermore continue to disappear and go back to its original state.

Latex Coding

Ex. 1


Ex. 2


Ex. 3




Ex. 5


Ex. 6


Ex. 7


Converting Imperial and SI Units

Last week In class we learned how to convert units of measurements.

We practiced converting between,

SI ( metric ) and SI – Imperial and Imperial – SI to Imperial.

SI is the measurement system that we use in Canada. (cm, m, km…)

The Imperial system is used in the States. (in, ft, yrd, mi…)

conversion ex.




Flower Power

Something I learned this week in math class was Flower power. Flower power is a technique we learned to find how to make a fraction exponent into a radical. After learning this technique, the concept of this math became easier.



Flower power tells you where the numerator and denominator of the exponent goes when you convert it into a radical.

in the pictures above it explains that the denominator refers to the root of the flower making the 6 the root of the radical. the numerator is at the top, it refers to the flower (flower power) that means that the 4 is the power of the number.


My Autobiography

In my planning 10 class we have been working on putting an autobiography together. I used Microsoft Sway to present my Autobiography

I really enjoyed this project, it got me to look back at old photos that I haven’t seen in years and it brought back some of my best memories.


In math class we learned how to find the lowest common multiple (LCM) and greatest common factor (GCF) using prime factorization. Essentially prime factorization is all of the prime factors of a number that multiply together to create the whole number.

LCM: Lowest common multiple is a number which 2 numbers can evenly be multiplied to, ex. 4,6. The lowest common multiple of 4 and 6 is 12 (4×3=12) (6×2=12).

GCF: Greatest common factor is a number which evenly divides 2 numbers, ex. 4, 6. The greatest common factor of 4 and 6 is 2 (4/2=2) (6/3=2)

ex. a) screenshot-2  b)screenshot-3

In a) the under lined numbers are all the prime factors, in b) the numbers along the left side of the line are the prime factors. In both a) and b) they show the 2 methods of prime factorization that we learned in class. This step is not showing how to finish finding the GCF or the LCM.

This project wanted us to find a different way aside from prime factorization to solve GCF and LCM.

The method I used to find the greatest common factor and lowest common multiple is by finding and listing all of the divisible factors of the 2 numbers and comparing to see the greatest common factor.

GCF ex.

125: 1 5 25 125

100: 1 2 4 5 10 20 25 50 100

To find the lowest common multiple I took 2 numbers and multiplied them in order starting from 1- 6, although this method doesn’t use prime factorization to do it was still successful.

LCM ex.

125: 250 375 500

100: 200 300 400 500 600 700…

Even with this new method I would still prefer to use prime factorization to figure out LCM and GCF, in my opinion it is easier to find LCM and GCF using prime factorization.


Scientific Method Bubble Gum Lab Conclusions

Today in class we did the bubble gum lab.


My hypothesis was supported because gum B or Big league chew was the gum that stretched the furthest and was blown the largest.

How does the gum stretchability relate to the bubble size?

  • In order for a bubble to be blown, the gum must be very stretchy. The more stretchy the gum is the bigger the bubble size will be.

With your lab partner, list 5 variables that may affect the outcome of this experiment.

  1. How long ago the gum was chewed.
  2. The temperature/ moisture of the gum.
  3. The total mass of the gum
  4. If both partners participated in the chewing of the gum vs. one partner alone.
  5. How long the gum was chewed for, ex. 1 minute appose to 4 minutes.

Explain how the data you collected can be described as both qualitative and quantitative.

  • Gum B was stretchier then gum A. Gum B was longer then gum A by 2.86cm.

Were SI units used in this lab? explain.

  • Yes, I used Cm to measure the diameter of the bubble, And Cm qualifies as SI units.


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