Title: The Effect Temperature has on Enzymes Names: Avery, Hanna, Gracyn, Manroop Date: April 18th 2019 Introduction: Glucose is a sugar, which acts as energy for many of the functions our cells do. The glucose level in your body rises when you eat food. This activity will help you learn the relationship between temperature and enzymes, by using lactase…
Category: Biology 12
Cell Size Lab
Cube Size Total cube volume (cm3) Total volume that was not pink (cm3) Volume of the diffused cube (total – volume not pink) Percent diffusion Surface area of cube (cm2) Surface area to volume ratio 1 cm 1 cm3 0.25 cm3 0.75 cm3 75% 6 cm2 6:1 2 cm 8 cm3 4.4 cm3 3.7 cm3 46% 24 cm2 3:1 3…
DNA and Protein Synthesis – Transcription & Translation
Transcription How is mRNA different than DNA? The function of mRNA is slightly different than DNA – mRNA copies the information needed to build a protein, which is located on one gene of DNA. mRNA then transfers to the cytoplasm where the protein is built. mRNA is also shorter than DNA and mRNA has one strand while DNA has two.…
DNA and Protein Synthesis – Structure & Replication
DNA Structure: Explain the structure of DNA – use the terms nucleotides, antiparallel strands, and complimentary base pairing. DNA is made up of sugars, phosphates, and nitrogen bases. It is a large, ladder-like polymer made from nucleotide monomers. It has two phosphate-sugar backbones with the nucleotide bases facing inwards from each. The bases attached to each strand form hydrogen bonds…