Tag Archives: lotfisland

“Lord of the Flies” – Island Description

Edge of the Jungle

“The ground beneath them was a bank covered with coarse grass, torn everywhere by the upheavals of fallen trees, scattered with decaying coconuts and palm saplings” (Golding 10).

The Beach

“The beach between the palm terrace and the water was a thin stick, endless apparently, for to Ralph’s left the perspectives of palm and beach and water drew to a point at infinity; and always, almost visible, was the heat” (Golding 10).

“The subsoil beneath the palm trees was a raised beach, and generations of palms had worked loose in this the stones that had lain on the sands of another shore” (Golding 86).

The Platform

“Here the beach was interrupted abruptly by the square motif of the landscape; a great platform of pink granite thrust up uncompromisingly through forest and terrace and sand and lagoon to make a raised jetty four get high” (Golding 13).

The Island

“It was roughly boat-shaped: humped near this end with behind them the jumbled descent to the shore” (Golding 38).

The Mountain 

“They were on the lip of a circular hollow in the side of the mountain. This was filled with a blue flower, a rock plant of some sort” (Golding 37).

The Jungle 

“Overflow hung down the vent and spilled lavishly among the canopy of the forest. The air was thick with butterflies, lifting, fluttering, settling” (Golding 37).

The Lagoon

“Within the irregular arc of coral the lagoon was still as a mountain lake—blue of all shades and shadowy green and purple” (Golding 10).

Fruit Trees

“Flower and fruit grew together on the same tree and everywhere was the scent of ripeness and the booming of a million bees at pasture” (Golding 77).

The Coral Reef

“The coral was scribbled in the sea as though a giant had bent down to reproduce the shape of the island in a flowing chalk line but tired before he had finished” (Golding 38).