The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The world turned pitch black, as the sound of a gunshot bounced off the hard, concrete wall. An ice-cold sensation pierced Walter’s shoulder, and –

“Walter!” Walter opened his eyes to see his wife standing right in front of him, her cold nails digging into his shoulder.

“I’m finished. What are you doing? It is lunch time and I am starving. Let’s go.” He obliged, feeling famished himself. They strolled down through the parking lot, cars glistening with raindrops. There was no need for an umbrella, since the rain had just stopped. Children were running about, splashing around through puddles. They reached a crosswalk. It was safe to cross, and just as Walter stepped onto the damp concrete, a child leaped into a pothole full of water. Water flew up and soaked Walter’s clothing. As it seeped into his socks and his coat, a burning sensation heated his cheeks and forehead. Suddenly, the ground started to steam and sizzle. A loud explosion exploded his eardrums and the sound of screaming tourists echoed through the air.

“The volcano is erupting!” The tour guide, Mr. Akamu, exclaimed. “Hurry everyone, we must return to the city!” He ushered Walter down the volcano, as ash and dust turned the sky into charcoal. A loud boom sounded once again, and lava dripped down past Walter’s feet, separating him and Mr. Akamu.

“Help!” A dark-haired local Hawaiian woman screamed, stranded on a lone rock that was slowly being eroded with lava. Walter leaped swiftly from rock to rock, dodging the lava which threatened to eat the hem of his pants. With one last, mighty jump, he landed next to the woman. She greeted him with a huge, relieved smile.

“Thank you! Let’s go!” Walter picked up the woman and continued his epic trek down the volcano’s side. But just then, a huge ball of fire flew right past the pair.

“Meteors!” The woman yelled. A huge one hurdled straight for Walter.

“Watch out!” Mr. Akamu’s distant voice warned them. Walter was about to prepare to jump when-

“WALTER!” The sound of multiple honking cars greeted his ears. He opened his eyes to find a large truck skidding to a stop, about to hit him. Walter jumped onto the sidewalk as the truck just missed him. The truck driver shouted at him before heading off, and traffic resumed as normal.

“What are you thinking dear?” His wife scolded him, as they continued on their way to the restaurant. Her hand found a way to his forehead.

“Oh look! You have a fever as well! We should take you home then.” Now tired and extremely famished, Walter followed his wife back to the car, the dull rain starting to fall once again.

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