Week 1 – Math 10

This week I had quite a bit of difficulty on the skills check, especially with the equation on the back:



However, while doing corrections I had a huge “Ah-Ha!” moment, and the solution made itself clear to me. My first try was a disaster:

\frac{4x}{3}+\frac{-2}{3}=-9+\frac{x}{2}      I got rid of the brackets with multiplication.

\frac{4x}{3}=-9+\frac{x}{2}+\frac{2}{3}     Then, I added \frac{2}{3} to the equation in order to remove the fraction on the left side.

4x=-27+\frac{x}{6}+2     I multiplied the equation by 3 to turn \frac{4x}{3} into 4x and \frac{2}{3} into 2.

Then I ran out of time…but clearly I had no clue what I was doing. Even if I did finish, the answer probably would have been wrong. My second try makes much more sense:

\frac{4x}{3}+\frac{-2}{3}=-9+\frac{x}{2}     I multiplied 2x and -1 by \frac{2}{3}.

4x+-2=-27+\frac{3x}{2}     I multiplied everything by 3.

4x=-25+\frac{3x}{2}     I added +2 to both sides.

8x=-50+3x     I multiplied the equation by 2.

5x=-50     I subtracted 3x from both sides.

After dividing the equation by 5, I got the answer!

x = -10

Next week>>