December 17

My Field Journal Digital Showcase

In Life Sciences 10, we made a Field Journal of living organisms that I’ve found throughout the start of the semester to this day. There were around 12 entries but out of them, I chose my top 4 outstanding organisms and they are as follows: The Fork-tailed Bush Katydid, the Common Dandelion, the European Paper Wasp, and the Coast Douglas Fir Tree. Each entry includes the location of where it was found, the time and date, and the weather at the time. (You can find those at the top left hand corner of each entry. Below that, you will find the official naming of the exact species, and a drawing of the species. In the blank spaces, there are some more little bits of information about their habitat, their adaptations, showing their taxonomy, and some of their unique characteristics.



iSeek and iNaturalist in general for most of the information