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Engineering Brightness Proposal post



Here are some of the photos I tookimg_2559-21hp68f-300x225delivery-1zxfra9-300x17420161206_105925-1v45rud-300x182                                                 this is our 3d model or our shell for the light20161206_105942-2mxw204-300x186screenshot_20161206-103734-2667jmw-300x225


Some of my thoughts on the skype experience were; what other ways could we improve their electricity? Would they be able to leave their solar paneled lights out in the day or would there light be stolen? And if so how would you be able to charge it then? I have learned about what problems that Dominican republic is having. and we talked to new Brunswick about there experience in doing this project, and we learned that the hand crank did not work that well, which lead us to do a solar panel. some people are fundraising but we were building the actual shell for the light because of our experience in drafting letting us build it. when we talked to the Dominican republic we were very shocked by the barbwire around the school and the news about the harsh living styles of the people that we were sending the lights too. it was neat to see how they live when there almost half way across the world. it was interesting to hear that some people acctuly don’t have lghts. people not having food  I had herd about not having a home I had thought about but n light had never struck me as a thought.





Currents in the Kitchen

My hypotheses is that…

the electricity can travel through things like and apple with no shell like an orange or lemon. because the shell will prevent it from going into the center of the orange there for not traveling threw it, but the apple is a solid thing with no shell so that it the electricity hits the apple it will travel to the copper.

App Reveiw


Gavin Peterson

ADL16 app review

I reviewed an app made by thix, called chemistry free, in this app you can test experiments using gasses, solids and liquids. It has a wide variety of tools, and chemicals.

a problem could be as simple as you do not know what these chemicals mixed together wouldscreenshot_20161103-111212 make, if it would be dangerous or harmful, with this app you could test. Like, mixing x and x together the boiling it on a hot plate to x tempter. If you HAD to mix the chemicals you could make the tempter change form hot to cold or change beakers and flasks. Like mixing water and HNO3.

When I use this app I can use solids, mixtures, liquids, and gases. Now I only have the free version. And the paid version comes with screenshot_20161103-111240more but you get to use all the tools and see what is given to you can do. I have put together, almost all the martials and seen the different experiments. This is what the app looks like.



you can test out different


-has a wide variety of tools

-easy to use, I jumped right in to it.



       Has a couple of bugs

          You have to play 10 dollars to get the full version

         Hard to control on phones, (much smoother on a tablet or computer)