Week 15 – Math 11 – add rational expressions

in this week of precalc 11 I learned how to add rational expressions

you want to find your non-permissible values before starting the question

the first step is to factor if possible

the second step is to cross out things if they’re the same but only in that one fraction

now you want to find a common denominator and multiply the fraction to get to the common denominator making one fraction

now you just add the numerators in the one fraction and your finished

Week 14 – Math 11 – non-permissible values.

this week in precalc 11 I learned about nonpermissible values.

nonpermissible values are numbers that x cant equal because if it does there are no possible solutions.

now the way you find them is by looking at the denominator which could be nx, (x+n)(x-n)

so for the first one x cant equal 0 because the denominator cant equal 0 and 0 multiplied by a number =0. for the second one you have to make sure the denominator doesn’t = 0 so x cant = -n and for the last one its the same thing except x cant equal +n or else it will equal 0.

also there can be more than 1 non permissible values in a equation like /frac {2}{3x} */frac {1}{(x-4)}

so the non permissible values would be 0 and+4