Digital Footprint

1)How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

a) Your digital footprint could affect your future because if you have a negative footprint and you apply for a job the employer could look at your digital footprint and see what you have done in your life on the internet. For example there are three people applying for a job one of them has pictures of him volunteering and tutoring and things like that. The second person has pictures of him with his friends and not much else. The last guy has pictures of him partying and drinking and doing things that don’t look that good to a employer. Who do you think the employer will choose. Most likely he will choose the person with the good digital footprint.

b)Another way your digital footprint could affect your future is if you are applying to get into a university most likely they will check your digital footprint. If it’s not good they will think twice before accepting you if you have a some sort of picture or video or something along those lines that doesn’t show you in the best of lights you will have a harder time getting into that university.

2) Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe

  1. Delete old accounts. Social media platforms go out of fashion quickly, and yesterday’s craze might be out of favour with your child today. Nothing posted online ever disappears completely, but it’s best to delete old profiles instead of leaving them unattended.
  2. Think before posting something. If you post something that you regret it will be out there forever. No matter what you think if you post something it is out there forever. The way I like to think pf this is think would I want my grandma to see what I am wanting to post.
  3. Be safety conscious. It’s hard to have a positive online presence if you’re not in control of what you share. You should use good passwords and keep them private to keep anyone else from getting access to their accounts.

3) What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them.

I would tell them to watch what they put on instagram and what they are sending on snapchat. I have a fair bit of friends who think as soon as you send a snapchat and the other person sees it it’s gone forever I’m sure that will change now that they have a presentation like this in there class but if I was to tell someone else I think they would be very shocked and a good example of how to show them is with the locations and when you arrived and left on your Iphone. I thought the first day of presenting in our math class was a very good way to do it. It was quick simple and well explained. I would explain it by showing them the videos that you showed us.

2 thoughts on “Digital Footprint

  1. Great to be thinking about your future and how the items that you post now can effect you in the future. You have some great ideas to keep your footprint small and safe. I think you could also use your digital footprint in a positive manner too, if you have two employees competing for a job and one has a really positive footprint highlighting his good qualities that’s one thing he has against his competitor.

  2. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Details or explanations answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Includes appropriate photos or media as instructed, just make sure you source the photos you use!
    – Post is completed

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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