
My favorite foods are sashimi 05 , sushi  0604  , and vegetable 07  08 .

Jos Louis cakes 09    , Thrills Gum 10, Red River Cereal11, Red Rose Tea12, and Dare Maple Leaf cookies13 are five foods made in Canada.

I usually have a cup of milk 21 and Chinese dumplings 16   , egg pancakes 17, congee 15, or Japanese rice-ball 18 14 for my breakfast.

Northern America breakfast usually consisting of bacon, sausages, and eggs with pancakes and served with beverage such as coffee or tea 19  20 .

A traditional English breakfast includes bacon, poached or fried eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, fried bread or toast with butter, sausages and baked beans 22, usually served with a mug of tea  23.

A typical breakfast in the Northern African countries of Egypt will probably consist of coffee or tea and a bread item (usually made with sorghum or millet) 24 , and some regional items, such as  fish from the countries’ numerous sea ports, peppers and spices usually associated with the Middle East, bean dishes, and stews or gruels made from beans and corn 25 .

My favorite desserts are vanilla ice cream 26 27    , cheese cakes 2829 , and tiramisu cake 30  31 .