Week 4 – precalculus 11

this week in pre-calculus 11 we learned about multiplying and dividing radicals. at first, I had a little bit of problem with multiplying and dividing radicals but by several practicing, I learned how to solve them; here are the examples:

Week 2 – precalculus 11

This week in Pre calculus11, I learned about the geometric sequence. In this lesson, I had a little bit of struggling when the question gives me two terms and asks for the unknown term. After understanding what the question is asking I learned how to solve this type of questions. Here is an example:



Week 1 – precalculus 11

This week in Pre calculus11, I learned about the Arithmetic sequence. This lesson was an easy lesson, but I had a little bit of struggling at first when I had to solve the question that seemed a little bit hard for me, but after several practicing, I learned how to solve the question, Here is the Example:

Example 1: How many terms are in the sequence 2, 6, 10, 14,…….,50

first step:

we know the first term is 2, the common difference is 4, and we say the t_n is 50

second step:

the equation is=> t_nt_1 +(n-1)d

third step:

Now we could put  the things that we know in the equation:

50= 2 +(n-1)4

forth step:

we don’t know what is n in (n-1) so we would multiply the common difference which is 4 by n and -1

50= 2 +4n-4

Last step:

so now we put the unknown on one side and the known on the other side

50-2+4= 4n

52= 4n


n= 13

so there are 13 terms in that sequence