April 2019

Experimental Design

Title:  Factors affecting the enzymes reaction rates

Purpose:  observing the differences in the reaction because of the different concentration of enzymes 

Hypothesis: Higher concentrations of lactase drops will react stronger to the milk. As more lactase is put into the milk, the glucose concentration should be higher. 


  • Five Test Tubes
  • Beaker or Graduated Cylinder  
  • [Lactose] milk 
  • Lactase
  • Glucose test strips 


In this lab, we will be adding the lactase enzyme to 5 test tubes containing 20ml of milk, and then testing the glucose levels in these test tubes after 10 minutes. We believe the concentration of the enzyme in the milk with affect the glucose levels by increasing them as we add more of the enzyme. 


  1. Put 20mL milk in each test tube
  2. Put no drops of lactase enzymes in the first test tube, add 2 drops lactase enzymes in the second tube, add 4 drops lactase in test tube 3, 6 drops in tube 4, 8 drops in tube 5
  3. Wait for 10 minutes
  4. Use the glucose test strips to see how many glucose is in the test tube 

Results (Data + Observations)


beaker []enzymes Initial [] glucose (mmo/L) Final [] glucose (mmo/L)
1 0 drop


0 mmo/L 0 mmo/L
2 2 drop


0 mmo/L 14 mmo/L
3 4 drops


0 mmo/L 111 mmo/L
4 6 drops


0 mmo/L


28 mmo/L
5 8 drops


0 mmo/L 56 mmo/L

Data Analysis/Conclusion 

After conducting our experiment, we noticed that our data is not consistent with what we expected. We thought that there would be an increase in glucose as we added more drops however, the glucose levels fluctuated. It started with an increase from 0-2 drops, then an even larger jump from 2-4 drops. After that, the glucose levels decreased with 6 drops and then rose again with 8 drops. This could have been an error in how we handled the procedure (as mentioned below) and so we cannot make an accurate conclusion based off of this data. Had we received the data that we predicated however, we could have said that our conclusion is that when you add more lactase to lactose, glucose levels rise. 

Errors / Improvements 

The result of this test is not the same as what we thought, there are several reasons that might cause the data to be inaccurate. First, we should shake the test tubes after we put the enzymes into the milk. By shaking it, it could help to make the reaction happen properly. And we can also reduce the number of drops that we put in each test tube, which could give us a more detailed result

What direction should BC forestry take?

Forestry of BC help develop the economic and provides many jobs, in my opinion, if there is less demand on the export of wood products from BC, we could reduce cutting down the trees and started to plant more in order to make the environment better. We probably should stop clearcutting because if there is a part of the land are all cut down, it is not good for the wild animals and would make it harder to replant trees. I think silviculture is a good way that is sustainable to BC’s current forestry practices, which control the growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet diverse needs and values. By this, BC could plant more the trees that truly needed, have better use of the land, and the quality of the wood could fit the demand but not destroying the natural. As quality is growing, we can raise the price, so although we cut down the same amount of trees, we could make more money and improve the economy to grow. And also, because it needs people to plants, check and report, it could provide more jobs.