March 1

We found our Son on the Subway

This article is about how a man was riding the subway one day when he found a new-born baby in the corner of the station. He called everyone he could but nobody, not even the police, believed him. I really liked the content of this article because it is a true story but it is something that would never happen in your life. It is cool to believe that something this crazy could happen to somebody else but I would never want to be put in that situation. I really liked how the author uses imagery to paint a picture for the reader. He properly describes the subway station he found the baby as well as the energy and stress the man was feeling on the phone with his partner. A connection I made to this story was the subways in New York. I understand that the events in this story don’t happen often, but if I was to guess a city this would happen in I would guess New York. I remember when I went to New York you would see the most random stuff in the Subway Stations. The first time I went the subways closed due to flooding from a hurricane but I remember seeing people walking out of the flooded stations and they were sopping wet.