April 3

Week 6 – Surface Area of a Sphere

This week I learned how to find the surface a sphere. To find it you can either do Pi times diameter squared or 4 times Pi times radius squared. I learned that I prefer using the radius. You first must find the radius using whatever your given. Always use the full version of Pi because 3.14 won’t give you an exact answer.

April 3

Week 5 – Finding the Surface Area of a Pyramid

This week I learned how to find the surface area of a four sided pyramid. First you find the area of one of the triangle but you have to use the Pythagorean theorem to find the slant height. Then you do base times height divided by 2 to find the area but there are four sides so you times the product by four. Then all you have to do is find the area of the base and that is length times width and you add the two answers together and you have the surface area of a four sided pyramid

Category: Math 10 | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 31

Week 2- Multiply Radicals

this week I learned how to multiply two whole radicals. First you take the numbers of both and put them under one root, then you multiply the two numbers so there is one number, then if you have to you square root that number but not always.

Category: Math 10 | LEAVE A COMMENT
February 27

Week 4 – Learning to use negative exponents

This week I learned what I should do when I have a number to the power of a negative exponent. When you have a negative exponent what you are suppose to do is make it positive. To make it positive you have to make it a fraction so you take your power and put it under the number 1. By doing that you are allowed to make the exponent a positive.

Ex. 6^(-3) = frac{1}{6^3} = frac{1}{216)

Category: Math 10 | LEAVE A COMMENT