The Hunger Games

In The Hunger Games series, Suzanne Collins writes about a girl named Katniss Everdeen who lives in a poor district in a country run by a corrupt president. Katniss is put into a “game” where the participants are forced to fight until there is only one survivor. In the game, Katniss shows defiance by forcing the president to let two people out of the game alive. With that defiance, she sparked a rebellion that would eventually go on to take over the country and take down the President. Before Katniss showed defiance, no one in the country would’ve even considered to stand up to the government and the President who did anything he could to stay in power. When humans have too much power in positions of authority, it may get inside their head and can make them do anything to keep that power. This series shows that when something is corrupt, a single person can stand up and create change in the world for the betterment of society.

The Hunger Games trilogy: Impossible to put down