Confederation Project

  1. What colony did you represent? The colony I represented was New Brunswick
  2. What did you feel were the biggest or most important issues for your colony? The most important issues for my colony was that we border the US and were very vulnerable to be attacked by them, another big issue is that the majority of our imports went to the British and if we went into confederation they might not still be reliable to trade.
  3. What strategy did your group come up with to deal with those issues?  All we had to do to deal with the issues were propose to a free trade agreement with the other colonies and make sure that we would be making an army if we were to go into confederation
  4. Did you have to make any concessions during the negotiation phase? If so, what agreements or concessions did you come up with? Yes, we did, one thing that we were proposing for the confederation was representation by delegation. That was not possible without the help from the other smaller colonies so, we went to them and proposed it. One deal we made was with PEI and the deal was that they would push for rep by delegation with us if we pushed for women to have the right to vote.
  5. Were you happy with the outcome of the confederation debates? Yes I was happy with the outcome of the confederation debates because we got everything that we wanted
  6. What is one thing you wished had happened differently with the final results and why? One thing that I wish happened differently that the final results was I would’ve liked to not have to pay for as much of the navy as we did

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