English 9 – Grammar Video Project-Dependent and Independent Clauses

Video: https://youtu.be/YnQO5C6MDEk 2. Written Portion: Independent and dependant clauses are parts of a phase that represent either complete or incomplete thoughts. Independent clauses stand on their own and so they can form their own sentences. They are complete because they have a subject and a verb. Ex: “She read the book” “I went to the…

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PE 9 – Community Connections

In 2018 Metro Vancouver held their mayoral vote and in a landslide victory, Port Coquitlam elected councilor Brad West. This is a change as the previous mayor, Gray Moore had been in office for 3 consecutive terms. I was able to ask him a series of questions about how the position has transformed him, what…

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Science 9 – Solution Fluency Lab

Define: Ms. Yorke decided to become an entrepreneur and get into the business of water filtration. Her enterprise: Yorke water filtration ltd. has hired our group; Natalie, Joelle and I to take polluted water and filter it so it can then be released to the Pitt River. She has entrusted us with her newest client:…

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Science 9 – Climate Info fluency

A. Solution 1: Like everyone you need to eat but what you eat can impact the climate. A big emitter that you may not have known of is beef. Beef comes from cows and they emit methane. Methane is especially bad because is 26 times more potent than CO2 and 36% of all emissions from Canada…

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ADL 10 – Digital Footprint

 a) If i apply for a job or to go to college the interviewer/admissions office they will probably google me and i might not get accepted if my digital footprint reflects poorly on me.       b) If i commit a crime my search cache and location services. This could prove fatal to my…

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