1. Video:


2. Written Portion:

Independent and dependant clauses are parts of a phase that represent either complete or incomplete thoughts.

Independent clauses stand on their own and so they can form their own sentences. They are complete because they have a subject and a verb.

Ex: “She read the book” “I went to the store” and “He went through with it”


Dependent clauses are incomplete thoughts, meaning they need other parts to help facilitate a sentence. What makes them incomplete is a marker word (subordinating conjunction). Words such as; when, as, if, although and because  make the clauses incomplete therefore needing other words to make the sentence complete

By adding marker words, I am making the clauses dependant on an independent clause to make the though complete. Ex: “When she read the book”, “Because I went to the store” and “If he went through with it”


A common mistake I made when I was researching for this project is the use of “FANBOYS”. “FANBOYS” is an acronym that stands for; for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so and are also referred to as coordinating conjunctions. They are commonly used to connect two independent clauses but do not make one a dependent clause. The way to tell the difference is that when a FANBOY is used, the phrase becomes stronger instead of weaker.

Ex: “Maggie went home for her book”, “I went to the store and bought apples” and “He went through with it yet he was scared.

When creating a sentence with multiple clauses, you can put two independents together (connecting them with a FANBOYS) or you can put a dependent and independent together

Two independents: “I took the bus to school and luckily I made it to school on time”.                                                            An independent and a dependent: “I took the bus to school although it was gross”.


3. Questions for the mini test:

Q) Is a dependent clause a complete or incomplete thought?                                                                                                         A) Complete      B) Incomplete      C) Neither complete not incomplete


Q) Name three marker words                                                                                                                                                                  A) For, because, why,       B) Went, if, correspondingly
C) although, when, because,      D) For, and, yet


Q) If but is to coordinating conjunction, what is although to?                                                                                                        A)subordinating conjunction              B) FANBOYS

C) Because                                               D) All of the above

Q In the phrase below, what is the marker word?

“He went to the store to buy a lung although they were closed so he went home”

A) Went                            B) Although

C) Were                            D) So


Q)Which one of these is a dependant clause

A) “He went to the store”   B) “He went to the store and bought apples”

C) “And bought apples”    D) “Although we went to the store”



1. B

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. D

One thought on “English 9 – Grammar Video Project-Dependent and Independent Clauses”

  1. Thank you for submitting your Grammar Video Project for COL. I have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Concept is well-explained in a very creative method (leg broken, dependent on crutches)
    – Video is extremely well edited (well explained)
    – Textual portion could have been better formatted
    – Format is extremely professional (text, transitions, effects, etc.)

    Thanks for sharing this excellent project!

    Mr. Barazzuol

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