Lit Circle Discussion #1

Hi everyone, here is the schedule for Thursday (A-L) and Friday (M-Z),

  • Please make sure your work for this discussion is uploaded to your group’s channel.
  • Let’s review and download the self assessment before beginning your first discussion.
  • Summarizer sets the timer and makes sure everybody is ready and work is uploaded.
  • When your discussion is complete, fill out your own self assessment for this discussion and set a goal for the next one on Monday.
  • Rotate the roles forward-if you were A, now you are B, if you were B, now you are C, etc. Read over your new role, and read Section 2.

Section 2 literary element is Characterization! Fill out your literary element log before Monday.

Monday we switch to a co-hort.  Students A-L should be preparing for Monday’s discussion on Friday and M-Z will have to use some time on the weekend to make sure they are ready.