Lit Circle Week/Section 2

Hi everyone,

I am going to update my blog with our weekly schedule here, not everyday.

A Block Join Microsoft Teams Meeting 9:15-10:15

B Block Join Microsoft Teams Meeting 10:30-11:30

C Block Join Microsoft Teams Meeting 12:30-1:30

Monday, April 20th– On Mondays we will be reading.  This week is section 2, from the chapter, “Because Geometry….France” up to “Rowdy Sings the Blues”.  You will rotate your role, so A becomes B, B-C, C-D, and E if you have it. Part of E, or D, now also has a connection to AWOKB, please familiarize yourself with this new role, and be efficient by taking notes as you read.  After we’ve checked in through the meeting, you are free to read.  If you finish reading, please work on NoRedInk.  If your group wants to read more per section, please let me know, as I would like to speed up this unit, so if your group wants to accelerate, let me know via email or through your lit group channel.

Tuesday, April 21st-

A Block Join Microsoft Teams Meeting 9:15-10:15

B Block Join Microsoft Teams Meeting10:30-11:30

C Block Join Microsoft Teams Meeting 12:30-1:30

This week’s literary element is, setting! What is setting?

Setting is not just the time and place, but also the lifestyle, culture, emotional feeling created by the moral atmosphere. Is it past, present, day, night, real or imaginary.  Setting connects to other literary elements, like plot and conflict.  Think about “The Friday Everything Changed” and how the setting impacted/created the plot.  Think about “The Absolutely True Diary…”.  How does the setting impact the story.  Using evidence from the story, record these details in your literary element log, remember I said you could change the log to suit your style?

You should be finished the reading from yesterday, today you will be doing a new role.  Make sure you know your role before you begin.

A: Summarizer should have taken notes of new characters, symbols, elements of plot (does the initiating incident happen in this chapter?). Questions should be 3+.  I heard some really good ones last week. You will also be the one setting up the meeting and recording.

B:Literary Luminary hopefully you tagged or marked with stickies the passages you want to share.  The more detailed the connection, the better.

C: Illustrator/Travel Tracer: What would you like to see more clearly?  You can’t use Jr.’s cartoon of his sister Mary, but maybe you’ve seen an actress that could play her?  Does the setting change in this sections? (Yes, describe it).  Look it up!

D: Word Wizard & Researcher: Choose words that are n.ew, unusual, repeated, funny, slang, connected to the story, and define them, but also connect them to the story.  Research some background info that helps grow understanding for all.

E: Figurative Language/AWOKB: there is A LOT of figurative language in this book?  Why so descriptive?  Connect and explain to one or more AWOKB (see files on channel).

I will be available all day, so if you need to chat, please contact me.

Thursday, April 23rd

We will be doing discussions like last week.  It worked well for me, as I was able to hear most of the summaries.  If it is ok with your group, we will use the same time slot so I can assess/listen to summarizer’s role.  It is challenging to get the discussion started, but a good summarizer does that with his/her strong questions.  This should take about 30 or more minutes to get through everyone.  When your group finishes, I can see the length of discussion and when your shared document is uploaded to teams, it makes it very easy for me to assess your work.  Overall, I was very pleased with how well everyone did last week.

If your group would like to request a time change for your discussion, message me on your group channel and we can discuss that.

NoRedInk: finish ‘components of a sentence’ then ‘fragments’