Class Guidelines for Respectful Communication

  • Acknowledgement: Jessi
  • silent reading (retest for terms quiz)
  • Group brainstorm: Class Guidelines for Respectful Communication.  Compare and contrast how the two bolded terms below differ.
  • 1.  “Everyone in this classroom has the right to….” list examples (to be heard, to pass, to be treated with respect)
  • 2. “Everyone in this classroom has the responsibility….” list examples (to listen respectfully to others, to be patient, not interrupt others, what is your responsibility to the class, to the others?)
  • Time to finish “Indian Education” response questions-due Monday



Finding Theme

  • silent reading
  • Get in your group from Friday-then split, groups should be about 2-3 people.  Read the book together.
  • Step 1: Find the theme as a group using the “finding and writing thematic statements” work sheet. Everybody save a copy. 

The Friday Everything Changed

  • silent reading
  • SWAY & descriptive paragraph due #allaboutme a or d
  • review new vocab, Read-“The Friday Everything Changed”
  • short story summary for “Friday”


  • No Red Ink: finish Parts of Speech review, silent read when complete
  • Racist sports teams and racism in sports. There are several sports teams and mascots in North America that many argue are racist and completely unacceptable. Opinions vary, but a lot of Indigenous folks are making efforts to have these teams and mascots changed. Watch these three videos below, which present different perspectives on this issue, and write a 2-3 paragraph response in your learning journal: should team names like the Washington Redskins, which are accused of being racist and offensive to Indigenous peoples, be changed? Why or why not? 





Meg’s First Day & Sway

  • No Red Ink: finish Parts of Speech review, if/when complete
  • Mr. Barrazuol here to demonstrate SWAY
  • Finish “Meg’s First Day”
  • short story summary for “Meg’s”
  • Descriptive Paragraph due today
  • Quiz on Tool Box of Terms- Friday
  • study here