Gender Inequality Article

This is the article that my paragraph is based on

The article is about how women don’t get paid enough or the same as males even though they have the same job or profession. This article explains how women who play on the US national soccer team get paid half as much as men who play soccer, and it’s not fair at all, the women even won the World Cup in 2015. This doesn’t only happen in soccer, this also happens in basketball. I chose this article because it talks about how women don’t have the same pay as men do and in my opinion, it’s very unfair and not right. I also chose this because it talks about sports and I like sports. This article relates to the story The Friday Everything Changed because it talks about how people think that girls can’t play as well as boys can and how society is very gender racist. Women don’t get promoted and they aren’t as hyped up as men are these days. People say that women’s sports aren’t entertaining or interesting to watch, but they are. These women that are playing have a lot of talent. The reason why people think this is because women apparently can’t play as well as men can or they aren’t strong or fast enough. People need to respect and understand that no matter what gender someone is they still have to accept them for who they are and how they are and how they play certain sports in this case. Of course, men and women can’t play the same but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t good.

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