Vancouver History Tour

  1. Kingsway st

The false creek trail which runs through new west and false creek

  1. Gas town mall

Named after saloon owner gassy jack there is a statue of him there right now.

  1. Port moody

Named after Richard clement moody, colonel moody. The land was not flat enough for the cpr to end here so they finished it off at waterfront.

  1. Water front

The end of the cpr

  1. Fort Langley

Fur trading shipments were done a lot out of Langley. Salted salmon became a large industry also.

  1. New west

Became a neighbourhood in 1858 from all the royal engineers that came from England.

  1. North road

1859 there was trail built from new west till the Burrard inlet. It’s the boundary between Burnaby and Coquitlam.

  1. Hastings mill

Firs mill, now known as Granville

  1. Hamilton

Hamilton layered out the Vancouver town site in 1885

  1. Stanley park

was officially built around 1901 after a big population boom. Also around this time the Granville bridge was built.




BC and Confederation

  1. Explain why BC’s independence was not a viable option.

The economy was already in decline from the gold rush, population was in decline too, BC was in too weak of a position financially that they wouldn’t be able to become their own country.

  1. Explain why BC remaining a British Colony was not a viable option.

Britain didn’t want to be responsible for the debt (gold rush) that BC had accumulated. It was also difficult to defend a country from so far away.

  1. Explain the argument for annexation to America.

The Rocky Mountains made it harder for them to exchange goods with the rest of Canada. And they hared the pacific coast so it made more sense to join America.

  1. Explain the argument for Confederation with Canada.

They wanted to stay independent, and MacDonald got Canada all over (east to west)