NorthWest Rebellion Q&A’s

  1. What are the causes of the Northwest Rebellion? (for each side)

The metis/aboriginals and the white settlers were scared of the changes happening in the west.

  1. Summarize the battle of Duck Lake. (think CCC)

Metis had taken over batoche and so that the army wouldn’t take over batoche and beat the metis they met them halfway there at duck lake where they fought

  1. How did Canada respond to the Battle of Duck Lake?

They re-treated to fort Carlton for a while and then moved to prince albert.

  1. What happened at Frog Lake? (think CCC)

Government cut off rations to cree ,big bears people capture residents (metis and non-Metis), killed the Indian agent, two priests, farming Instructor, trader, miller and 3 others

  1. What happened at the Battle of Fish Creek? (think CCC)
  • Middleton’s men meet metis fish creek (Middleton trying to take back batoche)
  • Dumont sets up an ambush at fish creek
  • Middleton has trouble getting his men across the river takes more causalities than metis
  • Both sides pull back
  1. What happened at Battleford (CCC)
  • Aboriginals make camp outside battle ford
  • Otter sent to defend
  • Aboriginals had land advantage and drove them back in 6 hours
  • Pound maker tells his people not to pursue
  1. How was the CPR significant to this rebellion?

Very-brought the forces to fight the aboriginals and metis to prove the usefulness of the CPR

  1. What happened at the Battle of Batoche? (think CCC)
  • Middleton tries to bombard botache from the river, fails as metis lower ferry cable to stop the boat
  • Middleton builds fortification
  • No change for 3 days
  • 2 units act independently and attack metis who are now running out of supplies
  • Metis surrender in 6 days (reil surrender)
  1. Why did the Metis lose the Battle of Batoche and why did the overall rebellion fail?

Metis ran out of ammunition, aboriginals and metis were not organized together

  1. How did Riel’s lawyers defend him?

Political and religious delusions made him unaware of what he was doing-pleading insanity

  1. What happened to Gabriel Dumont, Louis Riel, Big Bear and Poundmaker?

Dumont escapes to montana, big bear and poundmaker both sentenced to 3 years for treason and die shortly after

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