Aboriginal Questions

How were Aboriginal people depicted in early accounts of the fur trade?

The europeans were superior to the aboriginal people from the European perspective. They were seen as being relied upon by the Europeans. They couldn’t really do anything without the Europeans.

What does newer evidence show to be more accurate about Aboriginals in the fur trade?

Aboriginals were the main people who knew how to hunt for the fur trade and get the proper animals for the furs while to Europeans were lacking in this. Aboriginals had emense trade networks for these furs.

In what ways did Europeans adapt to Aboriginal economic traditions?

They had to trade pelts for pelts and beaver furs were used as “currency” for trading. Aboriginals basically used beaver furs as their currency for other goods.

Why did Europeans have to adapt to Aboriginal commerce?

Because it it was a different way of life than the Europeans way of life so they had to adapt to it.

How would you characterize Cree and Assiniboine economic ability and methods?

They knew how to use the different technologies and things that they could learn from the new fur trade. They could adapt to the fur trade and moved into more land around the Great Lakes to hunt.

After 1670, how did the Cree and Assiniboine show their economic flexibility?

They could transfer the furs to other places to sell more and make more profit instead of having one trading post. Took the furs to the posts for more currency.

How would you describe the Cree and Assiniboine inland trade strategies?

They made sure that other traders or groups could not copy them in ways of trading or currency

How and why did the Aboriginal middlemen’s role change in the late 18th century?

They started to hunt other things instead of beaver because the HBC was making more posts so there was competition. They hunted Buffalo for meat and traded that.

How did the Cree and Assiniboine retain independence from European technologies?

They didn’t use guns or firearms to hunt, instead they hunted as their way of life.






Reporting from Charlotte town conference: September 1st 1864

New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, And prince Edward Island are contemplating today over whether the Maritimes should unite. Delegates have been appointed, but no further plans are to be made until the province of Canada has heard, about the final proposal of this conference today. People from this mixed legislate have asked, permission to sit at the meetings, for their colonies in order to bring up the subject of British North American union. Something they see as a solution to their difficulties. New found land was unfortunately not able to discuss at this conference today due to disorganization.  Robert Dickey and Charles Tupper arrived on the same day. Yesterday august thirty first.  John a McDonald presented his argument in favor of the union. George brown talked about what the united government might take to prospect. There was a lunch and sea-side excursions.

Reporting at the Quebec conference: October tenth 1864

This is the second conference after the charlotte town. This time new found land will be at this conference. If this conference goes well a constitutional proposal will be brought forth. This conference takes place in an amazing building. There were many beautiful views and plains in front of the building. The weather is said to be horrible. Cloudy and very rainy.

Reporting from the London conference: December 41866

New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have passed union resolutions, as well as Quebec and Toronto. The British North America act was to begin. This conference took place in the New Westminster palace. The London conference resolutions was sent to the colonial office. The delegates went with British officials in order to finalize the text of the BNA act. Choosing Canada as the new country name. There was a large discussion as to whether they should name Canada kingdom or dominion but they overall went with dominion as they felt it was less powerful. The completed text was done in 1867. It was submitted to the queen in February.