Preliminary Proposal

Preliminary Proposal

Conditions for joining Confederation

(What do you want?)


(explain why you should get this & how might others benefit from it)

Intercolonial Railway-essly +Create Jobs

+More traffic through Canada

+ improve the financial economy.

“Build the road and Halifax will become one of the great emporiums of the world” -John A. MacDonald.


The Hudson’s Bay Company land-brendan



+More farm land

+Don’t have to travel down to america

“Throw down the barriers of trade and give us the control of market” -George Brown

Back with the Corn laws-jo Rasing a higher tarrif in canda for our own grain against the other countrys to be able to benefit us. Fair trade to protect our own product
Better Boats-kiana +cut through ice

+not have to use the united states railways

” A great country such as nature has destined this to be would not be justified in refusing to acquire a winter sea port” – Toronto Leader

Better Army Trained army for better defense.

“threat of Fenian raids along the Canada-United States border”