Wilds of North America-reading

Keep a list of evidence of the hardships faced on the journey and the page you found them on.

  • 36 portages (98),
  • dislikes early mornings (103),
  • currents in the river-tracking (105),
  • rainy weather (115)
  • portaging up a waterfall-narrow,losing footing,clay/mud-very soft, 10 ft high (106)

Keep a list of quotes that show his attitude towards being out in the woods and the page number.

  • eager about learning to hunt (109)
  • happiest time in the northwest (110)
  • abundance of opportunities (110)
  • wild and romantic career (110),
  • enjoys his meals (105)
  • whole scene was indescribably romantic and novelty, and amusement, (113)
  • profound stillness…fills the soul with awe, (113)
  • few things are more beaituful or delightful than crossing a lake in the woods on a lovely morning at sunrise

What are portages?

  • when you cant take rivers anymore and have to walk everything.

Who are the people that the author is taking his voyage with and where are they from?

  • brigade=voyageurs (french Canadians) = metis missionaries.

Describe the type of transportation they will use.

  • boats-large canoes, wooden, 4000lbs of cargo, 13, broad and long

What is pemmican and where is it from?

  • dried buffalo meat, ground up mixed with fat (from red river)

What is a “pipe” of time and what was it used for?

  • break between periods of rowing-take a smoke break

What is the author trying to learn how to do?

  • learn how to hunt

Describe the relationship between the First Nations and voyageurs at Norway House. 

  • relaxing on the grass, playing cards

What evidence was there that Europeans already had an influence on First Nations?

  • voyageurs had fur trade already established, missionaries had church already built

How does the author describe the area as he heads to Fort Garry?

  • swampy, inlet, tower of church seen from anywhere in town, well cultivated farms, Indian settlement, people look healthy wealthy houses.

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