Wilds of North America-reading

Keep a list of evidence of the hardships faced on the journey and the page you found them on.

  • 36 portages (98),
  • dislikes early mornings (103),
  • currents in the river-tracking (105),
  • rainy weather (115)
  • portaging up a waterfall-narrow,losing footing,clay/mud-very soft, 10 ft high (106)

Keep a list of quotes that show his attitude towards being out in the woods and the page number.

  • eager about learning to hunt (109)
  • happiest time in the northwest (110)
  • abundance of opportunities (110)
  • wild and romantic career (110),
  • enjoys his meals (105)
  • whole scene was indescribably romantic and novelty, and amusement, (113)
  • profound stillness…fills the soul with awe, (113)
  • few things are more beaituful or delightful than crossing a lake in the woods on a lovely morning at sunrise

What are portages?

  • when you cant take rivers anymore and have to walk everything.

Who are the people that the author is taking his voyage with and where are they from?

  • brigade=voyageurs (french Canadians) = metis missionaries.

Describe the type of transportation they will use.

  • boats-large canoes, wooden, 4000lbs of cargo, 13, broad and long

What is pemmican and where is it from?

  • dried buffalo meat, ground up mixed with fat (from red river)

What is a “pipe” of time and what was it used for?

  • break between periods of rowing-take a smoke break

What is the author trying to learn how to do?

  • learn how to hunt

Describe the relationship between the First Nations and voyageurs at Norway House. 

  • relaxing on the grass, playing cards

What evidence was there that Europeans already had an influence on First Nations?

  • voyageurs had fur trade already established, missionaries had church already built

How does the author describe the area as he heads to Fort Garry?

  • swampy, inlet, tower of church seen from anywhere in town, well cultivated farms, Indian settlement, people look healthy wealthy houses.

Urban Vs. Rural/Womens equality since the 19th Century

When  it was becoming more popular to move to Canada because of the fur trading and the abundance of it because essentially it was a business that produced a lot of money. It made the clothes and hats and shoes etc.  Many fur traders were living in Canada at the time for many months and years even.  Lack of white European woman to marry to in Canada since Canada was still very un-populated eventually led them to meet and marry the aboriginal woman. This also helped with the actual business of the fur trading as their aboriginal wives were the daughters or family to the aboriginal groups that helped them survive and collect the fur.  The aboriginal woman were known as country woman.

Characteristics expected of woman in: 


  • cooking
  • curing meat, baking, cheese, butter
  • make and repair clothing
  • make candles and soap (domestic responsibilities)
  • men make the decision to move to Canada, women expected not to questions
  • spend as little as possible so you can build your house/barn asap


  • physically active
  • cheerful
  • making changes for the good of the land
  • practical knowledge in baking, cooking, knitting, dress-making, cultivating milk and cheese
  • knowing survival skills for their husband to depend on
  • not focused on vanity or flare of social standing
  • most woman will be FN or metis
  • responsible for food
  • marred to a fur trader
  • gifts are exchanged for the daughter
  • FN would have access to forts/trading posts
  • interpreters, navigators (guides) for traders
  • survivals skills from the wife (food)
  • helped traders make canoes and snow shoes

Explain how far womens equality has progressed sine the early 1800s:


Compared to today there is still the mindset that woman should do domestic and household particularities, but its not as popular as today. Also woman don’t have to move with their husband but it still happens only in today’s  time woman ave more of a choice.  Education is also something that woman have today that we can use to progress into a more successful career so i think today there is just more freedom and opportunities.