Parliamentary System

MP: A Member of Parliament, the representative of the voters to a parliament.

Senator:  Senators use the wisdom collected from their own experiences to give minorities a strong voice in Parliament.

Minister: a politician who holds public office in a national or regional goverment, making and implementing decisions on policies in conjunction with the other ministers.

Prime Minister: the head of a cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of government, often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system. In many systems, the prime minister selects and may dismiss other members of the cabinet, and allocates posts to members within the government.

Governor General: The chief representative of the Crown in a Commonwealth country of which the British monarch is head of state.


5th place: Prime Minister. I do not want to be the head of a cabinet, nor to be choosing ministers to leave or bring in. Too much pressure. 4th place: Governor General. I don’t want to be delivering speeches from another country, like Britten. 3rd place: Minister. It would be cool to talk with other ministers, along with also making decisions with them. 2nd place: Senator. It would also be cool to be a senator, using wisdom and past experiences to give minority a strong voice. The only problem is that I am not old enough to posses wisdom like that. 1st place: MP. I would like to represent the voters of a parliament. It would be nice to speak the peoples minds, and to also represent what they want.

Foods 11 November/December/January Lab Reflection

Lab: Spanakopita

This lab was extremely fun, and had many steps that you would
need to execute at the right time for it to turn out properly. I really enjoyed
the lab because the product was very delicious, and the prosess to make it
was really fun. There were also parts that were really interesting to do, like
rolling up the filling with the filo. Our product turned out very nice and scrumptious.
We also had a very nice triangle shape for most of the Spanakopita’s which was what
we were aiming for. We were all working together 100% of the time, and throughout the
lab we always found something to do instead of just standing around. I would really
like to do this lab again, and if I had the power to change anything, I would make alot more!

Foods 11 October Lab Reflection


       Out of all the labs we did in October, I chose the Calzone lab because in my opinion it was the most exciting and “cooking-intensive” lab. We were also pretty familiar with each other in our new group, which I think helped us since we were more productive and finished things faster. I really enjoyed the lab. The Calzones turned out really big, and there was a lot to eat! They were very tasty and smelled good too. It was also fun making the filling separately, then putting it in and folding it over before putting it in the oven.

       Despite what happened in the oven, it turned out to my liking. When we put it in the oven, mine exploded in a spot and started to act like a volcano, but in the end it didn’t really lose much filling, and tasted pretty good! The only thing that was a bummer was cleaning off the pan after it exploded. I think it helped that it didn’t explode in the middle, but more off to the side. I think that our group worked pretty well together. Sometimes there is next to no communication but we still end up achieving a good product, and still work as a team. If I was to make this again, I would add more filling to the ends, since in mine, near the end there was next to no filling. I think to fix this I would need to add more filling to the ends, even if it looks like it would not close. Over all, this was by far my favourite lab.

Foods 11 September Lab Reflection


Why did you choose to reflect on this lab?

I chose to reflect off this because it was one of the more earlier labs that I’ve done, and it would be good to look
bad on whats happened. I personally think that the lab went very good, and that it had a lot of things that were pretty
great, and some things that could be improved

Did you enjoy the lab?

Yes. For me, it was a enjoyable experience (obviously because I got to eat the Apple Strudel after), and also because the
process  of making it was very hands on and precise. Also you did it in partners, which made it better since your both constantly
doing something instead of just being in a group of 4.

Did your product turn out the way you had hoped?

Unexpectedly, yes. We messed up with the cinnamon and the sugar, accidentally putting it in the dough mixture, instead of
sprinkling it on the apples inside. But the final product was very, very good. In fact, I think I would rather make it that way since
not every bite would have cinnamon in it if it was sprinkled on the apples.

Did your group work well together during the lab?

Yes. We were split up into pares, and each pare split an apple strudel. We still worked together in cleaning up the lab area, and getting
everything done on-time. We got out on time too, which nowadays we cut it pretty close. We also managed to both put our apple strudels
in the oven at the same time.

If you were to do this lab again, what would you do differently?

Honestly, I don’t really think that I would do anything different, besides maybe fixing our mess up, but that kind of made the recipe/final
product better.(in my opinion). But I think that I would try better or take more time on wrappingit, since I think we put to much apples in
it and it kinda bulged out in the middle, but other then that it was good.


Math 10 Week 14

This week in math I learned how to find the length of a line segment using points.

example: A(2,7) to B(5,7)

For this, I know that the points are ordered (x,y), so the y value does not change. The x value however, is not the same in both points.
For point A, x=2, and for point B, x=5. The length of the line is 3.

A more complex example would be; P(-6,6), Q(-6,-10), and R(8,-10).

this is what it would look like on a grid.

If you were going to have to find the distance from P to R, you will need to fine the other 2 lines, Q to R and P to Q in order to find the distance from P to R.
You can get PQ and QR from looking at the graph, with the length of PQ being 16 and QR being 14. Next, to find the distance from P to R you would use Pythagoras theorem. 16 squared is 256, and 14 squared is 196. 256+196=452. the square root of 452 is 21.260. But if the question is asking for an exact value that wont work. so you will need to factor 452.


that is what PR would equal as an EXACT value.