Parliamentary System

MP: A Member of Parliament, the representative of the voters to a parliament.

Senator:  Senators use the wisdom collected from their own experiences to give minorities a strong voice in Parliament.

Minister: a politician who holds public office in a national or regional goverment, making and implementing decisions on policies in conjunction with the other ministers.

Prime Minister: the head of a cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of government, often in a parliamentary or semi-presidential system. In many systems, the prime minister selects and may dismiss other members of the cabinet, and allocates posts to members within the government.

Governor General: The chief representative of the Crown in a Commonwealth country of which the British monarch is head of state.


5th place: Prime Minister. I do not want to be the head of a cabinet, nor to be choosing ministers to leave or bring in. Too much pressure. 4th place: Governor General. I don’t want to be delivering speeches from another country, like Britten. 3rd place: Minister. It would be cool to talk with other ministers, along with also making decisions with them. 2nd place: Senator. It would also be cool to be a senator, using wisdom and past experiences to give minority a strong voice. The only problem is that I am not old enough to posses wisdom like that. 1st place: MP. I would like to represent the voters of a parliament. It would be nice to speak the peoples minds, and to also represent what they want.

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