HCE 9 – English Write





This image shows signs of the opposite of inclusivity. It shows this because in the image, the crows on the left side of the wire are protesting against, what it seems to be, a bird from Africa. Those crows look like they are treating the other African bird as not one of their own, thus, not including it. Not including other birds and not sharing your food with them shows that this is the opposite of inclusivity. One of the crows protesting also has a sign that says that the other excluded bird should go back to where it came from. This situation is kind of like what it is in the US because of all the racism to the people of Mexico, or to other people of colour. There are many people in the US that dislike the people from Mexico, including the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, who went as far as to build a giant wall next to the border of Mexico on the US. This sort of relates to the image where one breed of bird dislikes another bird because it does not have the same breeds as themselves. This act of racism can also be classified as being the opposite of inclusivity. The sign that the birds at the back of the group of crows says that migrants are not welcome, which is also sounds very racist. It also says that they do not want new birds moving into their territory, so they do not need to share their food. It looks that the group of crows want to have all of the food to themselves and not even sharing a single worm to the other, new bird that just appeared. From what I have seen from this image, I think that the birds are very greedy, racist, and they have lots of information that say they show the opposite of inclusivity. 

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