Three Reasons Why I Love Mrs. Dubose

These days its very hard to find a woman who is grouchy or mean, and have nobody say anything to her. Mrs. Dubose demonstrates an offensive, yet somewhat honest opinion on the world around her, without anybody saying anything to her face to put her down or stop her statements.

She Isn’t Afraid To Speak Her Mind

Mrs. Dubose has a strong voice and opinion, and she ain’t afraid to tell you! She has a demeanor about her that i find very intriguing, yet at first you may find her HIGHLY offensive. Her opinions are meant to be heard by everyone and anyone around her, and that’s exactly what happens. Even though her words are aggressive and insulting to your feelings and morality, its her complete and utter honesty that makes people really think about their lives. (Except when she insulted Atticus and his being as a whole but that’s beside the point)


She isn’t Afraid Of Anybody’s Opinion

Now, you don’t see Mrs. Dubose staying in her house all day because she doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings do you? NO. You don’t. Why? Because she is a strong independent woman who doesn’t need anybody to tell her otherwise! She says what she means and means what she says, and that is inspiring. I wish that I had the confidence of a woman who looks nearly dead. The fact that she can say what she wants when she wants is amazing, because she could literally be on her porch at five in the morning waiting for a by passer, and she would tell them it’s too early to be disrupting her. Which yeah, I mean they would be disrupting her, because she is obviously deep in thought (Thinking of hard truths), and walking by would be SUCH an annoyance. I get it Mrs. D. #Yareudisturbingme


She’s Old

Yes, in case you didn’t know, Mrs. Dubose is as old as time itself. No, like she’s REALLY old. She can really say anything she wants because if somebody was to get her in a tizzy, she would probably just crumple up and have a heart attack. This woman has experience in offending people, and now, she knows how to do it without people attacking her. (Physically. Jem’s attack doesn’t count, he’s a child) Having all those years to perfect the insults anybody can take is admirable. She should make a book called: “To Find The Perfect Insult“.





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